Just a Bit of Small Talk

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The rest of the week went about the same, aside from the therapy session you had on Wednesday. Same classes, times, bus ride, etc. It was Friday, and everything was feeling... well... bland. You just said it was to be expected and brushed it off.

So, for the fifth time, you rode your new bus to your new school to get more familiar with it. You entered your math class, expecting nothing more than a new lesson and a few problems, but when class started, you were met with a short pair exercise.

Great. That meant an awkward pair up with a stranger. How fun.

When the teacher let everyone loose to pick their partners, it was pretty obvious you were gonna have to wait and see who would be left behind and hopefully be kind enough to walk ove-

Oh, someone was standing in front of you. Already? Everyone else was still deciding.

"Hey. Y/n, was it?" He asked. He basically towered over you from where he stood. Tall.

"Ah, yes, I am. Sorry, I don't quite recall your name. I'm pretty bad with stuff like that," you laughed nervously. He smiled warmly.

"It's no problem. I'm Rui. Anyway, would you mind pairing up with me?"

"No, of course not! Here, I can pull this desk over for you." You grabbed the empty desk next to you and pulled it next to yours. He thanked you and sat down.

You started on the project (a bit left behind, you'll admit) and he soon started a conversation.

"So, you're new here, right?"

"Yeah. I moved here over the summer."

"Oh, and how was that?"

"Not bad. A bit abrupt, I'll admit."

The conversation went on like that for a bit. Small talk. Up until he put down his pencil and turned to you.

"I'll be transparent with you. I thought I saw you a few times on the internet, so on Monday, when I learned your name, I may have searched it up. You're... kinda big-time, huh?"

You were caught off-guard by this, a bit speechless while you processed what he said. Once you had you, shook yourself gently and answered hastily.

"Um, yeah, I... I guess you could say that."

"Sorry if that was kinda weird of me. Curiosity really did kill the cat, hm?"

"N-no, it's fine! I get it."

"Then, would you mind me asking about... y'know... why? I mean... you were a singer, right?"

"Yeah, for 3 years," you laughed lightly, smiling. "It was really something."

"It sounds like it. Your performances were pretty cool, for what I saw."

"We did a lot of those. A lot."

He chuckled, a catlike smile on his face. He picked his pencil back up and started to do the next question while he spoke.

"What was your group called?"

"Super Nova 23."

He paused in thought. "I think I've heard of that, actually."

"Yeah, we had a ton of songs out. I wouldn't be surprised if you've heard of one or two."

"I'll have to see later. Your voice is lovely, by the way. I'm sure you get that a lot, though."

"Yes, but thank you."

"So, do you have any more performances coming up?"

You felt a slight tug at your chest, swallowing to clear your throat. "No, we um... aren't doing anymore."

"Why's that? Is it a lack of funding or something?"

"No, no. The group isn't... together... anymore... We disbanded last year." You stared down at your half-completed paper somberly, feeling that familiar wave wash over you.

"Oh, my, I had no idea! And I've been asking so much about it, I'm so sorry!"

"N-no, you're alright, you didn't know!" You waved your hands, trying to shove the feeling of sadness away before it grew. "I'm honestly kinda surprised you didn't see anything about it when you searched me up. Recently it seems like I can't go anywhere without it popping up when I least expect it."

"Well that doesn't sound fun at all. Have you tried making a different account to reset the feed preferences?" He motioned slightly with his hands, pencil still held unused for the past few moments.

"No, that would just complicate things, in my opinion. I already have to sort through two of them."

"Ah, I see. Well, there might be other ways to do it, but not as quickly or effectively."

"It's... fine. I wanna get over it all sure, but... not by forgetting it."

"Then... by coming to terms with it?"

"Yeah. That's what I want more than anything right now."

Rui smiled warmly at your side, seeing your soft smile in the face of lonely longing. He rested his cheek against one of his hands, giving you a friendly gaze.

"I know we just met and all, but would you wanna hang out some more? You're really intriguing. I'd love to find out more about you. I mean, not you during the last few years. You now. Y/n."

You turned to him looking over his face. It was an oddly familiar situation. A bit warmer albeit, but similar enough to make you question, and to tinge at a part of your chest that would haunt you every so often.

This feel a lot like what he did.

"Uh, maybe. I mean, yes, sure! W-when?"

Your mind was in turmoil, only a good fourth of it actually present to hear what he said next. Meanwhile, the rest fought loudly.

You really haven't learned, have you Y/n? Y'know he'll just do the same thing that happened last time!

No, no, this is a different person! He gives off completely different vibes!

But didn't he come over simply because he found out you were famous?

Well it could've been because you're new too.

But most likely, he's trying to get all the info he can about you so he can leak it on every platform imaginable and put every single picture of you he could possibly get somewhere where everyone can find them and use them for their own selfish, disgusting, things-


Suddenly everything shut up, and what he had just said came back to you, thanks to that 25% that was actually listening.

"I'm a bit busy most of tonight, so how about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? (he nodded) Y-yeah! Sounds great!"

"Alright, I'll just give you my number then." He quickly scribbled down a few numbers on the corner of his math sheet, ripping off the small bit of paper and handing it to you with a smile.

"Ok. I'll text you when I get home so we can coordinate."

Now that all your doubts and concerns had shut up, you could actually function as a human.

"I might be a bit busy, so sorry if I take a while to respond." He chuckled.

"It's fine, I get that. Then you're in some kind of sports? Or, like, a club?"

"Something like that."

Soon, the teacher spoke up, stating that there was 5 minutes before the assignment would be due. You and Rui turned to each other with concerned faces.

"Um... divide and conquer?" He asked.

"And hope for the best!"

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now