Days Left Alone

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"Geez, how long has it been? Like, 6... 7 months? That's almost a whole year!"

Yuuki's voice was tired so early in the morning, but since you were a morning person, she made a point to wake up early enough to call you.

Her voice had grown out of it's high pitch, which she had been known for in the group's songs. Yuni's hadn't changed much, in regards to her singing style. Speaking of which...

"Hey, how's Yuni?"

"Well, I think she's starting to go away. The doctor said that therapy can fuse us together. I'm gonna miss her though."

Yuuki had been dealing with dissociative identity disorder since even before the group had been made. She had only had one other personality, who went by Yuni. They were more laid back, danced and sang differently, and even had different feelings about the members of the group. While Yuuki was one of your closest friends, Yuni was more of an acquaintance.

"Ya hear anything from the others?" She asked.

"No... we haven't spoken since, I dunno... a month ago?"

"Yeah same here," she let out a sigh. You dropped your phone onto your bed and made your way over to your dresser. On top of it was your outfit for the day, tags taken off last night. You had it on just in time to hear your mother's voice.

"Y/n! Breakfast is ready!"

"Oooh, your mom's home?" Yuuki asked.

"Yeah, she took off today. She'll have to leave early tomorrow though."

She hummed. "Well, I wish I was there for some breakfast. Your mom's cooking is to die for!"

"Hey, and what about my cooking?"

"It's, uh... yummy?"

You shook your head with a smile and picked your phone back up. You showed Yuuki your outfit quick before saying goodbye and hanging up.

You made your way down the stairs and to the kitchen, all the while loving the smells of all the different things your mom had cooked.

"I've got bacon and eggs, and a few pancakes if you want them. If not, save 'em for tomorrow."

"Alright, thank you!"

You grabbed what you wanted and sat down, eating quickly before you'd have to go to the bus. Delicious, as always.

"I plan on getting groceries today. Anything you need?"

You shook your head, mouth full of food. Your mom turned to her list and scribbled down a few more things before folding it up and stuffing it in the pocket of her pants.

"Alright, then I'll see you when you get home."

She gave you a quick kiss on the forehead and waved goodbye to you as she walked out the front door to her car. Meanwhile, you put your empty plate in the sink and cleaned up the remaining breakfast foods, storing them in the fridge. You then got your shoes on, grabbed your bag, and stood by the door, checking your phone clock. 2 minutes. Pretty good time.

•     •     •

The bus ride was nothing special. Occasionally, someone would get on the bus and stare, thinking you couldn't see.

It wasn't much different once you actually got to your school. You weaved between people, looking for your locker and classes before school started, while some of them seemed to recognize you.

Most stood back and tried to convince themselves that they were seeing things, but not everyone.

"U-um, excuse me!" A girl came over to you, clearly nervous and excited. "A-are you Y/n L/n?"

"Oh, um, yes. Yes, I am," you awkwardly answered. The girl's eyes lit up and she turned around to a few more girls, standing across the hall, calling out that her suspicions were correct. They hurried over happily.

They buzzed around you, asking for autographs and telling you how they had loved SN23. One thing you hadn't missed: the crowds.

"So, wait... do you, like... go to our school?"

"Yeah, I recently moved."

"For the whole year?!"

"Y-yeah... and next year."

"We get to graduate with you too?!"

Things continued like that most of the morning. Fortunately, the girls were able to help you find your way around, and when classes started up, you had a good idea of where you were going.

Your first class was math, which wasn't bad. It was the usual 'introduce yourself and one thing about you'. Not that you'd remember any of the names anyway.

Afterwards were history, lunch, gym, and literature. Then, the day was over, and you were able to ride the bus back home.

It really didn't feel like a home though. Not yet. It still smelled spotless and wooden, and everything was still too clean to hold any memories. No grape juice stains from clumsy friends or broken stools from pretend performances (turns out, standing on the edge makes stools fall over).

Soon enough, your phone was ringing with a call from Yuuki. You didn't hesitate to pick it up while you grabbed yourself a snack.

"Heyyyy, how was your first day?"

"Oh, well, nothing really cool. There were some people that I think recognized me. And a couple girls asked for an autograph and showed me around. Other than that, though, I'm just waiting for the work to come."

"Haha, I heard that. You didn't make any friends?"


"Well darn. No cute guys?"

"Not on the first day, Yuuki!"

"Tomorrow's another day."

You shook your head, men being the last thing on your mind. Especially after...

"Hey, how far did you have to move again?"

"A good hour away. It was the only place we could really find that was far enough."

"That's... far. Guess there's no coming over today."

"Yeah. You better show up one of these weekends though."

"You know it!"

You finished your snack and made your way up the stairs to your room, flopping down on your bed with your phone.

"Hey, um... do you think... hm..." Yuuki stopped herself.

"Think what?"

"Does you-know-who maybe still remember where Hina lives too?"

The concern in her voice was evident. After all, the whole reason you had had to move was from your address getting linked.

"He might. But she said she'd be moving sometime in Spring this year too."

"Thankfully not as far as you. But what if something happens before then?"

"It'd probably take him a while to think of that. He was mainly focused on me, and it still took him 3 months after we broke up to think to leak my address."

"Hm, I guess you're right."

"Do you still talk to Hina?"

"Eh, somewhat. I was planning on going over to her place this weekend, actually. I'm hoping things aren't too awkward."

"You aren't gonna come to my house?" You frowned jokingly.

"Next month, I told you that!"

"Okay, okay, fineeeeee."

It wasn't long after that that you hung up and went for a walk, humming a familiar song.

You missed singing.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now