V21 - Chapter 245 Searching for the Answers

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"The Ticaret Conglomerate Civil War is in full swing. The US Congress has agreed to supply materials and provide intelligence to the rebels, led by Falson Altin, Nara Tozuko, Azariah Galen. With the fall of the Falmart League and many of the old leadership either dead or wanted by NATO and the Sadera Republic, the rebels have seized the capital city of Ticaret.

While the main focuse is Darlko, General Stanford has agreed to deploy Special Forces to the rebels and assist in training, logistics, and overthrowing the last remnants of the Falmart League. With the majority of Ticaret forces scattered across Falmart or have surrendered to NATO, it is expected that the rebels will successfully overthrow the government and purge the other Houses who remain loyal to Zorzal." – Alnus Liberty News


--- James A. Byrne United States Courthouse, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States ---

Date: August 17th, 2026

The past three days have been called The Trial of the Century, as many in the media call it, which was currently ongoing in the courthouse located just shy a few blocks from the Delaware river. Some even claimed that this case was probably the biggest ever held in the entire state of Pennsylvania, if not the entire United States and the World. The remaining leadership of the Empire and the rest of the League leadership all have been transported to Earth to face trial for all sorts of war crimes conducted on Earth and Uros sides of the Gate.

Empress Pina Co Lada, now the new leader of the newly established Republic, sat on one row of seats in the courtroom in the James A. Byrne United States Courthouse along with some of her knights, Countess Myui, and others of note, overseeing the trial. She found the exterior of the building beautiful; however, once inside the room where the fate of the formal, most powerful men on Falmart was being decided was underwhelming.

In Sadera, all the rooms of importance were marble, open, showing grandness. From all the advances and wonders these Terrans have, the bureaucratic nature of these square size rooms with wooden walls and furniture made her feel less grand. A trial on this scale would have been hosted in the Senate Chambers, showing the scale and might of her people.

The Empress expected the Supreme Court would handle such an important case, being the highest court within the United States. To her confusion, the case went to a lesser Federal Court. Ambassador Willington had to explain to her that the Supreme Court does not deal with these types of cases, only concerning lawfare and the constitution.

"I am surprised General Woody is not sulking like the others," O'iloiat commented.

"Unlike the others, he always was more of a real general." Pina saw the eyes of the general as Woody stood there, staring at the judge. His eyes told of a man accepting his defeat and waiting for the inevitable. "He is not going to embarrass himself in front of his enemies."

"Or the shame that he helped Darlko destroy the city who devoted his life in defending," O'iloiat added.

She agreed with that point of view and wished she knew what was going through Woody and the others' heads. At this point, it no longer mattered, and they were out of her hands.

"They all made the mistake of treating this like an Imperial trial," Pina said. "Blustering, declaring claims, boasting their achievements and nobility ranks. It could have had an effect if this was in the Imperial Senate but here, it only works against them. Basically, admitting everything you did wrong. They do not understand that it does not work here."

During the first two days, many leaders like General Herm Fule Maio and General Calasta Helvius would yell about their achievements in the war when the topic regarding the Invasion of Philadelphia both admitted to everything that unfolded that day. Even Herm proudly and loudly confessed to the murder of Colt Formal of Italica during the invasion with no remorse, enraging Myui and her sisters.

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