V20 - Chapter 239 Mountain Tunnel Raid

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"Chinese Archaeological authorities have just announced a successful excavation of the tomb of the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang underneath the First Emperor Mausoleum in Shaanxi Province of China. Ever since the Mausoleum was discovered and excavated in 1974, only the Terracotta Warriors and some sections of the Mausoleum were properly excavated and showcased, leaving the tomb of the emperor unexcavated.

This is because excavation equipment in the past years was not advanced enough to excavate the tomb without damaging it. To make matters worse, the tomb is surrounded by a river of mercury created by the emperor's architect since the Ancient Chinese believed that mercury is a mythical substance to achieve immortality. Because of this, it was extremely toxic to come near the tomb. Furthermore, it was recently revealed that there were tons of magical protective enchantments enacted by the Royal Mystics of the First Emperor to protect his tomb from intruders, which would kill anyone trespassing near it in case they managed to overcome the mercury river.

Thanks to the latest advancement in excavation equipment and with the help of the Chinese Society of Mystics, the river of mercury and the protective enchantments were magically removed effectively, and the tomb was excavated safely.

Aside from the perfectly preserved body of the emperor, archaeologists discovered two trillion dollars' worth of treasure and hundreds of bodies of concubines, servants, and officials whom the Emperor ordered to be buried alive when he died so he could have companions in the afterlife.

This successful excavation is the second archaeological success of China after the rediscovery of the original Heirloom of Seal of the Realm, the most valuable relic in human history in Northern China. The Chinese Government has proudly declared that the tomb will be opened to the public in the next two years - Lotus News"


--- somewhere in the Dumas Mountains ---

Date: August 3rd, 2026

With the rainfall and mountain breeze, Tuka sat on the poncho liner laid on the ground, holding her arms and knees tightly.

"I cannot recall the last time I was cold and hot simultaneously," Tuka said.

"Stop complaining," Hodor said. "I swear, your time with the Other Worlders made you soft. You never complained like this before meeting them."

Hearing that comment for the fourth time during this mission, Tuka ignored her father, looming around their tent.

Feeling a drip of water, Tuka adjusted her seating, growing used to the many cracks in the wooden shelter. Around the shelter were the Horgus Boar hides, all designed to help conceal their heat from NATO sensors. From what she understood from her visit to DARPA, because of all the heat-seeking predators in this world, much of the life evolved skin to help protect them from such beasts.

She watched her father dress in Imperial armor. He was working undercover with an informant.

With the construction of a highway through the Dumas Mountains that would allow armor and logistics to pass through, the League had thrown everything it had at this last stand to protect Sadera. From her short time at this camp, she had learned that everyone here knew if they failed, Sadera would fall shortly after, and the rest of the continent would follow.

"How much longer until we are ready?" Tuka asked.

"Tomorrow," Hodor said. "We have to... paint... two more batteries, and everything should be good."

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