V16 - Chapter 188 Tower

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"As the war continues against the Other Worlders, the Ministry of Imperial Law and Order Praetor Gallus Postumus has placed a Bounty system on anyone from Earth, Earth being the name of the world across the Gate.

The Imperial Army has been authorized to payout anyone who kills or captures the Otherworlders. Payment will be in the form of coin, land, or slaves. All kills will have to be confirmed.

Besides that, the Imperial Senate passed seventy-four to twenty-six to militarize the Adventurer Guild. By law, the Adventurers are not allowed to engage in warfare. This was designed to maintain the Imperial Army's monopoly on war and security.

Senator Oras Das Dardanus stated this is to help put maximum pressure on the invaders, showing that they are not welcome to Falmart. The Adventurer Guild is considered one of the most respected institutions on Falmart and has well trained professional warriors. While the Army fights on the battlefield, Adventurers and other Mercenaries will harass the enemy.

Oras ended his speech by saying 'Falmart for Falmartians'.

After the Senate approved of nationalizing all warriors to fight with the Imperial Army, the Ministry of Guilds Praetor Vibius Caracturus." - The Ministry of Imperial News.


--- Dumas Mountains ---

Date: April 25th, 2026

Sharpe moves past his Rangers as they engage. Private Second-Class Sofia Everett and recently promoted Specialist Harvey Frost are on the JLTV .50 caliber turret. Everyone else is on the right side of the US vehicles, using them for cover.

Randy is moving behind everyone, making sure everyone engages within their field of fire. Ranging from being an older veteran than Sharpe knows what to do.

Sharpe looks through his Visors(1) and sees all the enemies marked in red by the IFF system. All of them are taking cover behind trees, boulders, and other coverings. The Visor is connected to the NW(2), allowing him to see who are allies and enemies, magical signatures, and a limited Blue Force Tracker database which will enable him to pull up maps, identify enemy units and what faction they hail from, and provide night and thermal vision when needed.

Sharpe Rangers tested the Visor during their assault on the Darlko facility. They became valuable in the team factory against the Darlko Lord. While there are still glitches and bugs, he sees this being a game-changer on Falmart.

All along the Sharpe line, his IFF tells him that he is fighting a Ticaret unit, all Humans. This is the first time he has faced them in battle, and he always can see the difference between them and the Imperial Army. While the Imperial Army has adopted, they are more disciplined and regimented. From what he can tell, the Ticaret is more fluid on how they attack. He can see the Ticaret moving around from cover. After firing an arrow, they relocate to a new position.

"Let me go at them!" Rory yells.

"No," Sharpe replied. "We are outnumbered in a fixed position, so they will flank us, probably to the right. Go kill them."

Rory gives an evil laugh and dashes off.

"You know, boss," Frost said. "Most ladies twist their legs after seeing some flowers, and yet she is willing to go to second base for a fight."

"Because it is the only excitement that a lady can get with this stick in the mud," Alicia adds as she laughs.

"Stick in the mud?" Andrew asked, confused. "What are you, twelve? Who still says that?"

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