V20 - Chapter 235 The Palace of Honey Traps

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"Mission Report

To General Charles Standford

Operation Weed Out was a success. Thanks to the intel provided by a defector from Elbe Resistance Force, the last remnant of the Elbe Resistance and their leader Prince Astile have been eliminated in their last holdout in Jeeward Forest by 5th battalion of German KSK special force and the Blitzing Death group led by Queen Tyuule.

Although King Duran requested that we try to capture his son alive so he could be imprisoned back in Elbe and in time, he hopes that he could make Astile see reasons and accept our ways of progress. However, the Prince stubbornly refused and desired to fight to the death rather than surrendering and being imprisoned in a kingdom that had been "lost" to him. Unfortunately, his remaining men did not think the same way and when we broke into his hideout, he had been impaled by his own men who surrendered later on.

After hearing the news, King Duran and the Elbe Royal Family requested us to dispose of his body on the spot as he and the rest of the royal family stated that they do not want a disgrace like him to be properly buried back in the royal tomb. Astile's body was cremated later on along with his dead troops.

The remaining surrendered Elbe Resistance members were given 10 years of hard labor as punishment by King Duran because they turned on Astile at the last moment, sparing them the death sentence.

As the Roman Highway is being built, the 10th Armored Division and 92nd Infantry Regiment have successfully wiped out the League garrison in the east side Mealud Valley, enabling Operation Uppercut to proceed as planned.

In the meantime, we should focus on the Vanguard-7 operation in Ticaret to hopefully pull the Ticaret out of the war. I will report to you if I receive any further updates.

Thank you

Colonel Yang


--- Ticaret, Ticaret Conglomerate ---

Date: August 4th, 2026

As Rory finished a Beef Goulash MRE, she laid back on the blanket, looking at the tan tarp that was covering them. With a loud yawn, she realized how bored she had become without Lelei, Tuka, or Selina around. While Yao was with them, she was not as fun as the others since her three other sisters knew more about entertainment than her, especially Lelei and Selina.

"I should have gone with them! At least I can do some sightseeing. It has been centuries since I last went to the Ticaret capital," Rory mumbled.

"You are not a very discreet girl," Sergeant Major Randy Dodson commented.

"He's got a point." Sofia chimed in. "Even if by some miracle you managed to stay cool, aren't you famous in every part of Falmart? People will recognize you right away. And there's the fact that everyone knows that you're with NATO now, it wouldn't be hard for people to connect the dot."

Rory quickly sat up and pointed to Randy and Sofia. She was about to complain. However, she realized they were right and was too low energy from being bored to fake an argument. Leaning back, all she could respond with was, "I should have brought my bikini. At least I could have sunbathed and teased you all."

"Is this really all you people do when not fighting?" Beluutie asked, sitting beside Rory.

"Pretty much," Sofia said as she cleaned her M5. "Half of being a soldier is creating drama to pass the time."

With another yawn, Rory looked toward Beluutie or otherwise known as 'Pinkie' for having pink feathers. She noticed that the Siren was watching Sharpe's pace. "Why are you staring at him?"

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