Chpt.1 "I'll just call you Twitchy!"

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Well, Here goes nothing! I put everything else on Hold for this, even though the others will probably be lots more popular. But, meh, I like this one!

I, uh, Dedicated this to SNYDER(!!!!) (CapnMaddiesomerandomnumbers) 

Because I think she wanted me to write this, I'm not sure, but it sounded like she

Well, tread on then ,young warrior!!! :P


I tapped my feet quickly, nervously, as me and my mom waited in this huge line. Hundreds of people, not all looking a hundred percent sane, were lined up outside of this humongous stadium.

'Why were we in a huge line again?'

'Oh, yeah. The 2012 X-Factor.'

'Klovey, stop talking to yourself, that's creepy.'

'Yeah, stop.'

'Stop it!'

'Okay, just stop thinking, right meow.'

I sighed heavily, and re-adjusted the black beanie resting on my ginger curls. The left cat ear had fallen forward, so I fixed that too. My Big Brother, Andre, had gotten it for me on my sixteenth birthday, the most recent one. It was definitely the best gift I got. I'm not going to mention that to anybody else, of course. But, it was probably obvious. My twin, kayleigh, had gotten me a tight, black, itchy mini-dress. It was more her than me, to be honest. My mom just gave me 20 dollars, she had said she couldn't decide what to get me. I tugged at the holes in my white jeans, there was plenty of them. The holes I mean. Pulling my tight, red coat against me a bit more, I turned to my mother.

"It's bloody freezing,"

"That's why I wore three sweaters." She said with a smile.

"Well, I don't want to look like I'm wearing a fat suit!" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"Honey, I've seen you wearing a fat suit. Three sweaters don't make you look like that, you do it on your own." She chuckled lightly.

"You're an asshole!" My arms found the strength to stop shivering and shove her playfully.

My mom didn't reply and grabbed her phone out of her pocket, probably texting Andre about something. I took a moment to look around me, hoping to start a conversation with somebody. In front of me in the line was a short, chubby old man. Yeah, he could of past off as normal, except for the fact he was wearing an elephant suit and was trying to balance on the trunk. 

'Wanna start a conversation with him, Klovey?!'

'Hahaha no.'

I turned around quickly, he had started hip thrusting. Well, now I know what I'm going to dream about tonight, huh? Behind me was a girl that looked about my age, maybe a 'bit older. Long black hair cascaded over her shoulders, the tips were blonde. I couldn't exactly see her face though, she was looking towards her feet. She wore combat boots, not real military ones of course, just spin offs. A black leather jacket over a black and white striped tank top and faded blue jeans. She suddenly looked up.

"H-Hi" She stuttered, waving awkwardly.

"Sorry, but I really like your boots." 

"Oh, thanks!" She smiled at the ground, nervously.

"I'm Klovey Rotenburg." I told her.

"What?" She scrunched her eyebrows together, in confusion. It was Hilarious to be put plainly.

"Klovey." I repeated slowly.

"Klowvee?" She said quietly, before shaking her head.




"Ve." She finished with a laugh, patting herself on the back. Literally.

"Klovey." I tried again.

"Klowvee." She repeated, well tried.

A loud round of laughter escaped my cold lips, as I doubled over, clutching my stomach.

"I'll just call you twitchy!" She exclaimed, followed with an overly dramatic sigh.

'I was twitching again?'

'Great, Klovey, you met a maybe normal person and went uber twitchy on her. Great.'

I collected myself and stood up again, Straightening out my jacket on the way up. My jeans too.

"And what shall I call you?"

"Me? You shall call me Evie Service!" 

"Like the Pokemon?"

"Exactly like the pokemon! But, it's spelled E-V-I-E"

"Your last name is Service?" I asked, holding back laughter. I wasn't going to laugh at her, just the name.

"My last name is Quill." A guy from behind her spoke up softly, smiling at us, with an amused look in his dark brown eyes. Wow. To say this man was attractive would be putting it lightly. Very lightly. I didn't even know it was possible to have a square jaw that wasn't huge. His dark hair was either wind swept or just a damn mess, I honestly couldn't tell. Why is everybody here so good looking? It made me want to curl up in a ball and just...die.

"Am I the only person with a normal last name?"

"A place in Germany is not a normal last name, liebling." Evie spoke, laughing quietly.

"You speak?"

"Not much. My Grandmother's Boyfriend was a German Teacher at a Highschool."

"Wow, I've never actually heard of the elderly dating. They're usually forever alone, or have been married for years." The Quill guy added.

"So, Mr.Quill what's your first name?" Evie read my mind.

"Lewis. Lewis Quill. "

'I shall call him Louis!'

"Please don't call me Louis."

Damn, how does everybody do that? Do I have no private thoughts?

"Nope!" Evie exclaimed as Lewis explained, "You said everything out loud." 

I smiled to myself as Evie started talking about her Aunt who talks in her sleep.

I hope whoever they are, that we all get into bootcamp, they seem like I could be friends with 'em.


TADA!!!!!! :D Please comment, it would mean the world to me! And no, I'm not going to say vomment, it doesn't even sound right.

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