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i'm tired of the only way i get to
see and talk to you being through screen.

i love sitting on facetime with you,
but that's still not enough.

i want to sit with my head in your lap
as you talk about nonsense.

i want to look you directly in
the eye when you speak to me.

i want to try and hide the fact i would
be looking at your lips, because a screen
doesn't show when i do.

i've gotten so used to only seeing
you in my dreams and thoughts.

how is it going to be when we meet?

i just want to be near you,
like i'm meant to.

when we're sleeping and i'm by your side,
please just hold me tight.

"how can i be scared, when i stretch
and feel you're there?"

i just need you near me.
i just need you here with me.

always and forever.

too bad the only way you'll be is a screen.

"next year though, right?"

we keep saying it as if we haven't
been for the past 2 years.

i just need it to be true.

i just need it to be you.

unsaid thoughtsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora