Ep5 (Arisu, and Usagi met Hannah's friends)

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*Hannah "go to find Usagi & Arius"*

Hannah: What ours guys room number and floor.

Usagi: Room 89 on the 6 floor.

Arisu: Room 9 on the 6 floor.

Hannah: Well Room 605 on the 8 floor. Hey do you guys go to the pool.

Usagi: Sure.

Arisu: Why not.

*All put the swimming suits "They to the pool area and Hannah see Chishya, Kuina so she go over there "Little backstory of how Hannah, and Kuina met"*

Hannah: Hikira.

Hikira: Yeah.

Hannah: Are you Gōjō master's son.

Hikira: Yeah.

*'The same day"*

Gōjō master/Hikari's father: Damn junk!

Hikira: Stop it!

Gōjō master/Hikari's father: you're a boy, so why do you need cosmetics? *Hikari get kick out*

Hannah: Hey Hikira.

Hikira: Hey Um.

Hannah: Hannah.

Hikira: Hannah can I stay with you. If you okay with it.

Hannah: Yeah. *Not in the back story "Hannah goes over there"* Hi Chishya & Kuina.

Kuina: *She jumps up and hugs Hannah"* haven't seen you since forever. How have you been

Hannah: I'm been good. What about Hhyb. (How have you been.)

Kuina: good

Hannah: Come on Arisu & Usagi. *They come over*

Kuina: Well bye.

Hannah: Bye Kuina *They leaves "Later"*

2 jerks 1 girl | Alice in borderland (Chishya x Y/n x Niragi)Where stories live. Discover now