Chapter 8: The Frozen Village

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We walked through the forest for a few hours, and Kendra taught me how to use the other seasons' magic.

Soon, I could do some basic magic in all the seasons. It wasn't advanced or even up to Kendra's level by any means, but at least I now knew how to use some basic magic in case of emergencies.

Unfortunately, the sun was soon going to set, and we'd be left with no light to guide our way.

"Hey Kendra, the sun's about to set. What do we do? Should we make a camp somewhere and try to sleep or should we continue walking?" I asked.

"Both options are dangerous. Setting camp and trying to sleep would mean that we'd be stationary and monsters can attack us but continuing forward in the dark means that more monsters can attack us, and we wouldn't be able to see them." Kendra said.

"So, what do we do?" I asked.

"Let's keep on moving forward and hope that we'll find someplace relatively safe to stay." Kendra decided. "Using summer magic, you can create a fire for us to see the way."

I did as she suggested and created a small fire in the palm of my hand, and we walked on.

After some time, I started feeling cold.

At first, it was just a small chill that I could ignore. But soon it started getting colder the further we moved.

"Is it just me or are you cold as well?" I asked Kendra.

"It's not just you. It's been gradually getting colder."

"But why?" I wondered "Is it because the sun has gone down?"

"No, the sun doesn't cause this much of a temperature difference. This is done by magic or a magical creature."

"Great. Another creature that probably isn't friendly. What do you think it could be?"

"I don't know, there are several creatures that have this effect. Yetis, snow golems, ice birds, ice guardians, snow trolls, etcetera." Kendra listed off creatures.

"That isn't making me feel any better about our chances of the creature being friendly."

We continued on and on, as the temperature continued dropping. Kendra and I were freezing. We had not dressed for this kind of temperature.

"Thankfully, it isn't snowing," I said because that's what you expect to happen in such freezing temperatures.

Unfortunately, I had jinxed myself. As soon as we took two more steps, light snowfall started happening.

"It is now," Kendra smirked.

"At least we have the fire to keep us slightly warm," I spoke.

"You just jinxed yourself again," Kendra said.

Just as she said, the fire suddenly blew out.

"Rae, why did you blow out the fire. It's freezing here."

"But I didn't blow it out. It just happened on its own."

"Maybe it was the wind. Just relight the fire."

I tried to do that, but I couldn't. I tried as hard as could, trying to feel the magic. I could feel the magic. However, it wasn't coming out of my fingers.

"I can't do it," I spoke. "It feels like something is blocking my magic."

"Well, that's strange. I've never heard of that happening." Kendra said, puzzled.

"Perhaps the magic ice creature is messing with my magic. You try making some flowers of something."

Kendra concentrated however, nothing happened.

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