Chapter 1: The Class

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I was in Powers class, a class I was horrible at. You wonder why the great Kendra, the only Mixie of all seasons, sucks at Powers class.

Well guess what, this story isn't about the great and powerful Kendra. It's about me, Raelynn, Kendra's bestie.

I'm just the weak, stupid little spring fairy who can't even make a flower bloom. Who notices me when the great and amazing Kendra is there?

But I don't hate her. She's, my bestie. How could I? It's not her fault that she's all powerful and I'm so stupid and weak.

"Raelynn! What are you doing? Get back to work! You can't even make a flower bloom so you better start working hard in my class!" Madame Heathre, the Powers teacher, screeched at me.

Just then, the most beautiful, and mean, winter fairy, Iniana showed up.

"Omg, you can't even make a flower bloom. I may not be a spring fairy expert but even I know that's pathetic. Look at my powers. They always impress." She taunted me, conjuring up a delicate swirl of snowflakes and making them circle her.

I had to admit that it was impressive, not that I was going to say that in front of her.

"I have no idea why Kendra hangs out with you, a weak, pathetic little fairy. She probably feels sorry for you. She should hang out with me, a beautiful and powerful fairy, who can at least match her. Unlike you!" She sneered and walked away.

I saw her walk up to Kendra and say something. I inched closer to try to hear what she was saying but just then Madame Heathre showed up.

"Raelynn, focus on your work. Stop trying to look at darling Iniana when you can't do anything that can remotely resemble her work." She scolded me.

I rolled my eyes but tried to focus on the little tree in front of me and try to make it grow leaves.

I glared at Iniana but did nothing, knowing Madame Heathre will always take poor daring Iniana's side. And Iniana, she'd probably say I attacked her out of nowhere and everyone would believe her.

And if I said that she was being mean, they'd all think I was lying to make Iniana look bad.

Iniana had everyone fooled. They all thought she was a nice little fairy. Even Kendra.

But then, it was Kendra's nature to see the 'goodness' in everyone. I couldn't blame her.

Just then, Kendra and Iniana's little discussion came to an end and Kendra walked towards me.

"Oh Raelynn, Iniana said you needed some help with your assignment. Isn't she such a nice helpful person?" Kendra said to me.

See what I mean. She has everyone wrapped around her fingers.

"Let me show you how to do it."

She waved her hands and indeed leaves came on the tree. But that wasn't the only thing that happened. The little sapling, we were practicing on had grown to the size of a full grown tree. And there were even flowers tucked in between the leaves.

"Oops, I think I put a little too much power. I guess I don't know my own magic." She spoke.

Many people, including Madame Heathre came over to us. seeing as there was now a full grown tree in the middle of class, I don't think there was anyone who didn't come over.

Everyone at once starting gushing over Kendra.

"Wow Kendra that was amazing."

"Oh my gosh, you're so powerful Kendra."

"Can you teach me how to do that?"

Even Madame Heathre praised her.

"That was such an amazing feat of magic. You're truly one of the most powerful fairy of your age." She complemented Kendra.

Then she turned to me and said "Why can't you be more like you friend Raelynn. You should learn something from her."

Then, the bell rang, and everyone was dismissed.

AN: The photo at the beginning of the chapter is Iniana.

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