Chapter 2: The Wish

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That night...

I laid in bed, unable to sleep. The rest of the day had passed by normally, but I couldn't get the Powers class out of my head.

I looked at the clock. It read 12:00.

I sighed and got up. There was no way I would be able to sleep in my restless state. I decided to go take a walk to freshen up my mind.

I slowly crept out of my dorm, careful not to wake up Kendra, my roommate.

I wandered around the school, unsure where to go, so I let my feet decide.

I somehow ended up on the school roof, but that was fine with me. No one ever came up here, so I could be alone with my thoughts. Plus, it was a clear night and the stars twinkled so beautifully.

From the roof, I was able to see the entrance gate. Naira Academy for Gifted Seasons was engraved in large letters on the gate.

That just reminded me of my failure.

This was Naira Academy for Gifted Seasons, the best school in all of Naira, for the most gifted fairies. I wasn't sure how I even got into this school. I wasn't gifted at all.

I just had a burst of power during the entrance exam, and I've never had it again.

The incident from Powers class came back to me.

"Why can't you be more like your friend Raelynn?"

"You can't even make a flower bloom so you better start working hard in my class!"

"I have no idea why Kendra hangs out with you, a weak, pathetic little fairy."

"You should learn something from her."

"You can't do anything that can remotely resemble her work."

Ugh! Why did Kendra have to be so great and mighty?

Why did I have to be so weak and pathetic?

I remember how Kendra accidentally made a tree grow. I know it wasn't her fault. She was just trying to help. But I couldn't help feeling jealous.

She had so much power. How life would be if I were Kendra.

"I wish I was Kendra," I whispered to myself, unaware that I was being eavesdropped on by a most mischievous creature.

'I should get going before a teacher catches me.' I thought, getting up.

I went to my dorm and fell asleep, like normal.

AN: The chapter pic is Raelynn.

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