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I passed by several hallways to the elevator since boss's office was in the second floor, i pressed the second floor button and waited for the 'ding'.  I passed by several hallways again before i saw boss's office. I knocked and heard his two snaps, it was a sign to come in. I opened the door to see boss reading his files with his glasses on. He put down his files and put his glasses off and smiled. I closed the door.

"Welcome back agent clove" he smiled at me devilishly as he looked at my body from up to down. I went up to him and kneeled infront of him.

"I am glad to be back boss." I said. He seems to be unsatisfied with my answer, he gently raised my chin up and asked. "What seems to be on your mind, clove?"

"...." I decided not to make any eye contact. He forcefully makes us have eye contact by grabbing my face, my eyes widen. "Tell me clove, is it because of angel?" He asked, i nodded. "I see, i apologize but i wont be able to arrange her a funeral. We will cremate her instead and give her remaining ashes to you" he explained. I nodded again, "thank you boss." I thanked him.

"Aside from that, good job clove. We have passed the information to a different unit who will be investigating William Mortimer, for now i will give you a long break." I nodded then left.

I needed time to pull myself together.

34 days later..

Click! Click!

I was playing online games in my apartment to kill time. It has been 1 month and 4 days, i still couldn't get over my bestfriend's death. I tried everything to forget about the scene that happened, i trained harder than before, i read mystery books, i bīngē ēæt, i did sēlf hærm, i tried everything i could do to forget about it but i just can't.

Thinking of the organization made it worse. It felt like i was loosing my sanity, she made my world light up but then she got killed, infront of me. I felt like i wasnt a real agent, i had lost my bestfriend and comrade. It has driven me nuts.

Day 88

It was almost 3 months. I still couldn't move on from her, i had to do what i had to. I had to retire. I figured out that maybe if i retire from this job, i can forget about gel. I have done 5 years of service so maybe i can have the chance to retire.

I went out of my room to the kitchen to make coffee. After i made coffee, i went to my counter and put it down to check my phone. A notification appeared on my home screen, it was a unknown number and beneath it was a text message, it has 3 letters and 2 numbers: YBN48. It was my boss, Nikolai. The text was obviously a code, it was pretty easy to decode it since i have had experience, YBN meant, "Your Boss Nikolai" while 48 meant time, my boss was telling me to come back to the HQ  in 48 hours. He gave me a  a long vacation and i knew he will assign me to another mission, unfortunately i have to resign.

I replied to my boss with the appropriate code and dressed up in a formal way. I locked my apartment and went to the building with my motorcycle, i almost had my license gone since i had sped up too much. I don't understand how my boss gave me 2 days to come back, he knows i always come early. But i guess early retirement wont be bad.

I walked in boss's office to see a folder full of files probably on his table. He grinned at me and handed me the folder. I opened it and scanned the contents in it, he began to start speaking.

"Xavy Mortimer, the next heir of William Mortimer's so called company or undercover organization . He is your main target" i looked at his facial details, he was very attractive, unfortunately i wont be able to see him face to face. "I dont think i can do this boss." I said as i let down the folder on his table. "And why is that? This is unusual for you to decline clover." He said seriously, he didnt use my nickname. I opened my mouth,"....i want to retire. " Rather than him glaring at me, he chuckled.

Once the Moon Awakens. (Tragedy Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now