hi... i need help

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i know this is a long shot, please just hear me out. i haven't updated anything in a long ass time because of the fact that adulthood has traumatized me just as much as my childhood did and i was NOT expecting it. to sum up everything that has happened in the last couple years, my boyfriend and i were kicked out of our house without a 30 day notice after our roommate's uncle threatened us outside of our home and my boyfriend reacted. ever since then despite the fact that i work a full time job we have been struggling to get back on our feet and find a place we can call our own. i found out i was pregnant after being told we couldn't have kids, and my mom offered for us to stay with her. now not even two full months later she is kicking us out without a reason why. she'd giving us 30 days but i am so terrified of being homeless again because it was traumatizing for me last time and i'm especially concerned because i'm pregnant and want what's best for our son. i have a little bit saved up but nowhere near where i need to be in the time i'm going to now be needing it. please if anyone can donate to my cashapp ($gaberchap) or my paypal (paypal.me/dorothychappel) or has an extra house they're not using 🤣 my family and i would greatly appreciate it. if you have no money and would still like to help, voting on this chapter would be awesome. thank you to anyone who read this far and i'm sorry i haven't been actively updating my other stories, my whole life has been one giant Bad Sitaution™️ and i haven't had the time for writing recently like i used to. happy holidays and i wish the best for everyone reading ❤️

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