chapter 12

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Marinette was sitting on the couch. Her phone rang, she picked it and looked at who was calling.

She saw that it was her boss, "hello?", She said as she answers the call. "Ok marinette can you come in tomorrow?", Her boss asked. "Yes sure no problem", she said while smiling.

"Good see you tomorrow", her boss says in a cheerful tone. Her boss then hangs up the phone. Marinette jumped up and down in excitement.

"Yes!!", She shouted. Adrien came down hearing her shout. "What is it babe?", He asked while coming down the stairs. "I get to go to work tomorrow", she said in joy.

Adrien smiled, "good", he said. "I'm hungry", Mary whined. "Ok I'll make lunch right now", Adrien chuckled.

He walked into the kitchen and started to make dinner. The next day, Marinette got ready for work. She then went on her way to work hoping Bridgette doesn't do anything to Adrien.

"Where's Marinette?", Bridgette asked as she came downstairs. "She went to work", Adrien said. "Oh ok, to new York?", She asked as she sat on the couch. "No", he replied.

"Ok", she said in an almost annoyed tone. She was sick of Marinette being in the way. She then came up with a bright idea. "Hey where does Marinette work", she asked Adrien suddenly.

*Knock, knock* there was a knock on Marinette's office door. "Come in", Marinette said from the other side.

The person stepped into Mary's office. They put Marinette coffee on her desk. "Thank you sharmane", Marinette said while smiling up at her.

"You welcome", sharmine says with a smile smile. She turned around and started to walk towards the door. A smirk plastered across her face.

She opened the door, she walked out and closed the door behind her. She walked away from Mary's office. (Flashback) sharmane was sitting at the front desk checking the cameras.

"Excuse me", a voice said. Sharmane looked up. "Yes can I help you?", Sharmine asked the person. The person has a hoodie over their head so she couldn't she the person's face.

But she knew for a fact that the person was a female. "How much money do you want to drug marinette agreste?", The person asks. Sharmane smirks widely. (End of flashback)

Marinette sips her coffee, then she puts the cup down. Her vision got blurry as she looks down at the papers on her desk. She shaked her head, trying to snap out of it.

"What's going on?", She asked. She the felt lightheaded. She gave in and then blacked out. Her head fell on her desk.

Her door flew open and the hooded person walked into her office. They walk towards her desk. "Oh Marinette looks like your mine now", the person says, She smirks ear to ear.

"Adrien will finally be mine", she said as she looked down at the unconscious Marinette.

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