chapter 10

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For the past two days Adrien pretended that he had amnesia and forgot about the whole thing. Bridgette was surprised but she bought it, given the pill she had put in his wine that could actually make him loose his memory.

*Ding, dong* the doorbell rang loudly. "I'll get it!!", Bridgette shouted as she jumped off of the couch. She ran to the door and opened it.

She was surprised to see Marinette, whom was supposed to be in new York for two months but she's here? Bridgette fake a smile, Marinette hugged her tightly.

"Hey there Bridgette", Mary said while hugging her. "Hey Mary, I thought you were supposed to be in new York for two months", Bridgette said as she broke the hug.

"Oh yeah but they shortened it so yeah", Marinette lied. "Now where is my baby?", Marinette asked. *He's upstairs", Bridgette said in a nervous tone.

She was hoping that Adrien would keep his mouth closed. She was tensed when she saw him walking down the stairs.

But do to her surprise he just hugged her. He didn't say anything about it at all. *Hmm? Maybe he really did forget about it?*, Bridgette thought in shock.

She smirked. *Still, Marinette here. How how am I supposed to get rid of her now?*, She asked herself. She sighed, as she saw Marinette and Adrien walk upstairs.

They go into their room and closed the door. Adrien locked the door then looked at Mary. "Ok are you ready?", He asked Marinette in a determined tone.

"Totally!!", Marinette shouted in an excitement. "Shh", Adrien said, as he puts a finger on his lips, signaling for her to be quiet.

Adrien points towards the door. Then marinette nodded getting what he meant. "So stick to the plan ok?", Adrien whispered.

"Ok", Mary whispers back. It was so exciting to Marinette. She wanted to get Bridgette back so bad that she could hardly wait for their plan to happen.

But Adrien was calm about, and she couldn't understand why. They both took a shower together and then they both got tired so they went to sleep.

Bridgette was on the other side of the door. She heard when Adrien said "shh" but after that she couldn't hear anything else. It was like pin drop silence.

She had a suspicion that something was going on but she didn't have solid proof. She knew something was going to going on, but what?

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