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January 1st 6:30AM

I woke up to the ear splitting sound of my iPhone alarm. Finn was already up clearly because, he wasn't in bed. I sat up slowly and looked at my phone.

'No new notifications'

I got up and went into my bag and pulled out a pair of jeans and a sweater. I went to the bathroom and did my makeup.

"Finn how do I get to school?"

"I'll drive you-"


I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a half-up ponytail.


"School dosn't start for another hour calm down."

Finn placed eggs with pepper on a plate in the table for me.



He said as he went back to cooking.

"Do you have a job?"

"Yea, I'm your babysitter."


I said as I got up and walked over to the fridge and grabbed some orange juice. I heard an alarm go off from Finn's phone.

"Time to go kiddo."

He said turning off the stove and grabbing his keys. He walked outside and I followed as we got into the car.
We began driving as we were closer to the school I saw kids walking together to school.

When we arrived Finn got out and told me to come with him. The building was almost 3 houses wide and two story's. We walked into the building and all the kids were staring at us. As we were walking I saw star and Jakob making out against a locker.


Yelled Finn which made star leave in embarrassment. Jakob walked over to us and waved at me.

"Can you show Snow around after we get her signed in?"


He said smiling at me. The bell rang and Jakob ran to class as Finn and I walked to the front office.

'Principle thorn'

Finn whispered something in my ear.

"She sounds scary.."

I laughed lightly before a woman about 6FT tall walked out.


I and Finn said at the same time.

"Hello, you must be Snow Clause."

I nodded as she lead us in.

"Are you her guardian?"

"I don't know?"

Finn said in confusion.

"He's my uncles friend my parents dropped me off at their house and my uncles a drunk and acts like I don't exist so yes."


She said forcing a smile. She handed me a paper.

"That's your schedule and locker, for now I'll get you to your first class unless there's someone you want to show you around?

"Jakob Lyon?"

"Of course."

She said grabbing her phone. She typed his name into her computer and then called someone.

"Hi can you please send Jakob Lyon down? Thank you."

She then, placed the phone down.

"Okay Snow, you can wait in the office until he comes down and Mr....?"


"Mr. Lyon thank you for bringing her have a wonderful day."

Finn 'saluted' (idk what it's called) and walked out. A moment later Jakob came in.

"You called me down?"

"Yes, may you show Snow to all of her classes and around the building? For now bring her to her first period and then after class to her next, thank you."

"Of course."

As we left Jakob was telling me every little detail.

"Are you trying to skip class?"


"That's fine but bring me to my class, also how does lunch work?"

"Free seating why?"

"Can I sit with you?"

"I sit with my friends at lunch and I don't think you'll like them."

"Well I don't want to sit with star."

"Why, and sit with scarlet."

"Imagine not letting me sit with you I'm telling Finn"

I said laughing as I walked away from him.

"Snow. It's this way."


I said as I walked back to him. We finally got to class and he said bye to me and I took a deep breath in and walked in.

"Oh! Why hello, I'm Mrs. Caswell you must be Snow. Would you mind introducing yourself?"

Said a short old woman in all green.

"Oh also where's Jakob?"

"In the hall I wasn't aware he had this class."

"Oh it's okay now please, introduce yourself."

I walked to the front of the door as everyone was staring at me and Star was staring at me while whispering to this other girl who than whispered to another one.

"Hi, I'm Snow i just moved here and I don't know what else to say.."

I said as I walked to the only empty seat which was unfortunately next to Felix.

"Hey look I wanted to say sorry again for the other night."

"It's okay like I've said over and over now shut it."

I said as the teacher began talking about science and physics.

After class Jakob was standing at the door. I walked out of the class room and walked over to the side.

"Ready to go princess?"

"Don't call me that, you have a girlfriend."

"No I don't?"

"Mhm sure player."

I said laughing to myself.

"What's your next class hun?"

"Okay A. Don't call me hun, sweetheart, doll, or honey. B. I don't know you should you have my schedule and also shouldn't i go to my locker and put my stuff away or at least locate it?"


He said as he took me to my locker which was littraly one step away from Mrs. Caswell's door. As I was opening it someone wrapped their arm around Jakob.

"Sup loser, Who's this cutie?"

He said looking at me.

"Dude, not cool back off."

Jakob said in defense. The guy moved his hair back and walked up to me leaning against the locker.

"I'm Lucas ford, you?"


I said as I walked away.


"Excuse me."


He said back to me.

"No say what you said."

"I didn't say anything."

I rolled my eyes and gestured Jakob to come with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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