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December 26th 5:45AM

I woke up with a pounding feeling in my head. As I sat up I began to yawn.

"Good morning,"

Said Finn.

"What are you doing?"


"Reading what?"

"To kill a mockingbird"


I said as I rolled over and looked at my phone.


"Shut up."

"Why is it so early."

Finn threw a pillow at me.

"The fuck-"

I then, threw the pillow back at him. This went on for a couple of minutes before Paul came in.

"I SaId CoUCh!"

"And he said bed."

Paul rolled his eyes and left. Finn and I then began laughing. I still had the pillow so i walked up to him and hit him as hard as I could with it.

Finn then stood up.


I said with wide eyes. Finn started to walk towards me as i fled out of the room and hid behind the couch.

Finn found me and hit me with the pillow as I screamed. With my hair a mess I started laughing. Finn threw the pillow at me and sat against the wall laughing.

"When do you go to school?"

"Second semester so January."

"Damn, be careful this school district sucks."

I just laughed softly before throwing the pillow back at him.

"Is the beach cold?"

"Yea, it's winter."



"I've never been anywhere except here and the North Pole."

"North Pole? Are you like Mrs, Claus?"

"God no! That's my mom."

Finn started dying of laughter.

"You're funny!"

He said still laughing. I decided to go along with it and started laughing to.


Said Paul walking into the kitchen and grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Why do you choose to room with him?"

I asked confused as Finn just shrugged.

I layed on the couch and turned the Telly on.

"What do you want to watch?"

I asked Finn who was still sitting on the floor.


"Like what?"

"I don't care."

"Okay Halloween, nightmare on elm street, bloody birthday, scream, or trick or treat?"


I put Halloween on and Finn came over and sat on the couch next to me.

"This is boring-"

I said about halfway through the movie.

"What- this is my favorite horror movie-"

"That explains a lot."


He said getting up and walking into the kitchen.


He asked me.


Finn rolled his eyes and walked over to the fridge and opened the door leaning all the way forward. While he stood there I snuck up behind him and jumped at him.


I started laughing and so did he after he calmed down.

"Don't do that again."

He grabbed eggs and bacon out of the fridge. Then, he grabbed a pan and put it on the stove and began cooking it.

"Do you want anything?"

"I'll take an egg, please."

"No bacon? It's the best."



"I don't really like meat anyways so it doesn't bother me and I don't like how meat is processed and some other things."

Finn raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

When he finished breakfast he handed me my food and offered hot sauce which I declined but, I did use pepper.

"How do you feel about going to the beach?"


"Alright then be ready around 1 I'll bring a couple of friends."

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