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After he finished delivering which went a little faster then because, of my help, he went back to California and dropped me off.

"Ring the doorbell and goodbye darling,"

He said with a smile and hugged me as i got out. He had droped me on the roof so I'm had to climb down.

'Where's the snow?'

I thought to myself as I went to the door.


He was already Gone. I realized to late that i left my luggage in the sled. Angrily i walked up to the door and knocked. I waited a minute and then rang the door bell.

Still nobody showed up so i began to bang at the door.


I shouted as someone opened the door with a gun. I froze in terror.

"WhO aRE yOu~?"

"I'm your niece."

The man rolled his eyes and let me in. He grabbed a drink and before he could bring it to his lips i grabbed it from him.

"Paul You don-"

Paul raised his hand and slapped me hard.


I said as a man walked out of another room into where we were.

"Who's she?"

He said looking me up and down.

"My name is snow, you?"


"Nice to meet you?"

Paul took the drink from me and chugged it. I couldn't believe he was a drunk.

"Why did he send you here?"

"Don't ask me, he's your brother."


I scoffed.

"He might be back later I forgot my stuff-"

Finn started laughing.

"Did I say something-?"

Finncontinued laughing and left.

"You, couch."

Paul said pointing at me and then the couch. I rolled my eyes and went over to the couch.

"Don't touch anything."


Paul then left and went to his room.

'What a drunk why do I have to stay here.'

I thought as i curled up under a couple blankets on the couch.

Before I could fall asleep someone rang the doorbell.

I walked up to the door and saw my stuff. I opened the door and grabbed it and brought it in.

"What is that-?"

Said Finn from the hall pointing at my luggage.

"Don't. I've had these for years I know."

"Okay but why is it purple and pink with cats?"

"Go to bed, oh my lord."

Finn put his hands up and walked away snickering to himself. As i sat my stuff next to the couch Finn walked back out.

"Wait are you sleeping on the couch?"


"I have two beds come on."

"No offense but I don't know you."

"Calm down I'm not a monster AND we're in YOUR uncles (and my) house what could happen."

"Lots of things he's a drunk he dosnt care. he probably didn't even remember me."

"Fine up to you to sleep on the couch but personally I wouldn't."

I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. I pulled my sketch book out and began sketching things that I had seen on our trip.

"Nice drawing."

I turned around and slapped him.

"Sorry- fight or flight."

"Ow- damn."

"Go away Finn."

"Are you sure you don't wanna stay on the other bed?"

"If I say yes will you stop pestering me?"


"Then fine."

I followed Finn into his bedroom.

"For a small house this is big- wait why do you have an extra bed?"

"I don't know."

I walked out of the room, back to the living room and grabbed some clothes.

"Finn, where's the bathroom?"

Finn pointed down the hall. I walked into the bathroom and surprisingly it wasn't that bad but, lots of hair products. I shut the door and changed into a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

I walked back to Finn's room and climbed into the other bed.

"Why flowers?"


"Your bedsheets why are they flowers?"

"Rude and i didn't pick them."

I laughed lightly and rolled over and drifted into a deep sleep.

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