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told through social media

THE CONCERT REDOtold through social media

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@kendallknight: wait!!!! is that james!!!???
@loganmitchell: ^ Is he at the palm woods?
—- maylovat: @loganmitchell yea he didn't tell u guys?

@carlosgarcia: where is he???
—- maylovat: @carlosgarcia ur guys old apartment

@carlosgarcia: where is he???—- maylovat: @carlosgarcia ur guys old apartment

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@maylovat: u guys need him... & is that cardboard furniture???
@carlosgarcia: we are living lavish with the cardboard furniture

@jotaylor: this is getting messyyyyy

@loganmitchell: Big Time Rush is officially a trio.

@loganmitchell: Big Time Rush is officially a trio

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@camilleroberts: so happy they're back
@kendallknight: missed you <3

@carlosgarcia: CONCERTS BACK ON
@loganmitchell: Wow, you were heartbroken without us.

@maylovat: life=complete
—— jamesdiamond: @maylovat ;)

@maylovat: life=complete—— jamesdiamond: @maylovat ;)

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@maylovat: CARLOS MY LOVE

@kendallknight: && just like that he forgets us again smh

@loganmitchell: What about your, oh I don't know, Best Friends since elementary school?

@jotaylor: NO she's MY best friend
@camilleroberts: this is insulting

@jamesdiamond: ... fraternizing with the enemy
—- maylovat: @jamesdiamond they're not ur enemy dweeb, they're your best friends.

 fraternizing with the enemy—- maylovat: @jamesdiamond they're not ur enemy dweeb, they're your best friends

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@kendallknight: big time rush is officially back!!
@loganmitchell: See you guys soon!
@carlosgarcia: Hi May!

@jotaylor: ive been waiting for this one TURN IT UP
@camilleroberts: never let May drive again
—-maylovat: @camilleroberts i had places to go and people to SEEEEE

@jamesdiamond: can't wait to see ur beautiful face in the crowd :)
—-maylovat: @jamesdiamond glad to see ur still a dweeb... also I TOLD YOU SO


Seven Musketeers

Jo: guys that was amazing!!!

Camille: seriously, you guys

May: best concert ever
... but what's up with the late

Camille: yea we tried texting
you guys like a hundred times

Kendall: let's just say...
we got a little tied up

May: yeah im gonna
pretend i understand

Carlos: no like we actually
got tied up by hawk

May: yep still pretending
like i understand

Logan: It doesn't matter...
Because Big Time Rush is
back!!! New deal & a World

Carlos: and no more sleeping
on cots!!

Kendall: and our sick apartment

Logan: And our own Sebastian!!

May: your own
sebastian???? NO

Kendall: about that....

OUT THERE... what did you think

Camille: just when i thought we
got away from this...

Jo: PLS it's cute

May: you guys did
seriously amazing

James: what about one
particular handsome member

May: OH! Carlos did


James: ....

May: ;)

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