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and ghost hunting

May was wrapping up her shoot for some new indie clothing line— it wasn't exactly vogue, but she got to keep the attire, which was a plus

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May was wrapping up her shoot for some new indie clothing line— it wasn't exactly vogue, but she got to keep the attire, which was a plus.

Bridget, her manager, gave her the rest of the day off, so she decided to head back to the Palm Woods to chill by the pool, partially hoping to find Jo and hang out.

But after sitting in the lobby for a few minutes, and watching the elevators, she figured Jo wasn't around, leading her to lounge on a chair by the pool alone, with her magazine and headphones in.

Occasionally she would check her Scuttlebutt account, checking for new followers and messages, and when she got bored she would people watch.

A sight that she had now trained her eyes on seemed to be an older man, carrying an abundance of floaties and pool noodles, humming to himself and plopping on a chair one away from hers.

Quirking an eyebrow she sent a tight lipped smile when he waved at her, and quickly turned back to her magazine— almost missing the two boys who ran outside.

"You guys should have taken the stairs!" The man calls. "Much faster! I saved you seats."

May turned to the people he seemed to be talking to, revealing themselves to be Kendall and James, and laughed silently to herself at their shocked faces. "New friend?" She asked the two.

"No. Our producer," Kendall grumbled.

Suddenly interested, May sat up, looking at the man who held a bright grin and back to the boys who looked uneasy. "Oh come on, he can't be that bad," May said quietly, the two of them sending her a look.

"You know what? We can do this," Kendall perked up, turning to face them. "We're nice people," he said surely, taking a seat next to the man and leaving James next to May.

The girl gave him a small smile, which he returned with a wide-eyed glance quickly sitting on the other side of the man. May huffed— was she really that bad?

Kendall looked between the man and May, unsure what to do. May stepped in to save him, "so," she starts, looking at the man. "You're Big Time Rush's producer?"

"The Gustavo Rocque," he quipped. "You can say I made these dogs famous."

"So, I guess they owe you a lot," May hinted to the boys, trying to get them to speak to the man. To which Kendall sent her a glare, knowing what she was insinuating.

She stood up, deciding to go relax elsewhere. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Rocque. Have fun!"

"I like her," Gustavo says as she saunters away, making James grumble under his breath.

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