The Battle

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The chickens were placed on all sides of the coop. But... all that walking and planning had taken its toll. Many of the chickens stared at the bags of chicken feed that were stacked against the wall of the barn. "SOOOO HUNGRYYY." A rooster announced.  

Seeing that they would perform better with the food, Scratch allowed them to eat. Heads buried themselves into the bags of feed, ripping off the outside and gobbling up the flakes like ravenous beasts.  

A chicken on the inside noticed that the farmers were coming towards the chicken coop to see what all the ruckus was. "They're coming!" 

Everybody ran back into position.  

There were only three farmers. The one that had been bitten by the raccoon was still in the hospital, in a coma. He was not expected to live.  

"All the easier." Scratch whispered under his breath.  

A farmer squinted. "What the... are those CHICKENS?" 


Just as the door to the chicken coop opened, chickens came from inside and outside the coop, jumping on the farmers and scratching every exposed body part that they could reach. Cuts lined the farmer's faces as they fled back into the house.  

"SUCCESS!" The chickens cheered and ran around, gobbling up as much feed as they could carry. Scratch's stomach growled, but when he looked at the bags of feed he reminded himself how much he hated it.  

But then, the door of the house opened and the farmers came forth. They had thick clothing, fully protecting them from the chickens.  

"Okey, let's get them chickens into the coop here." 

Scratch stared in wonder. This was NOT part of the plan. And there was no plan B. Well, there was only one choice.  

"We need to fight back HARDER!"  

The chickens flew into the farmers and fought against them. The farmers swatted them away but they came back, their spirits high. The battle raged on.  

Scratch commanded the squadron. But it was hard to think on such an empty stomach. He became lightheaded at the sight of the flaky feed, which was starting to look tasty to him. In the heat of the battle, he flew away and stuck his head into the bag, swallowing the dry bits.  

"YUCK!" It was even nastier than he had remembered. He coughed up the bits and spat out all that he could, completely losing his appetite. He worked to get the taste out of his mouth. The wet, soggy flakes formed a sticky foam around his beak.  

"Scratch!" A chicken called. He looked over, and noticed that they were losing their edge. The farmers tossed the chickens into the coop and closed the gate. Only a few fired chickens remained to fight.  

Scratch closed his eyes and concentrated his strength. "All or nothing.

He charged straight into the farmers, squawking furiously. To his surprise, the farmers backed away, scared to come any closer.  

"Scratch, you're doing it!" A few prisoner chickens shouted from the inside of the coop.  

The farmers' eyes were fixed on the foam that ran around the outside of Scratch's beak. They were terrified. "Nooo... Don't anybody move." 

Scratch charged at the farmers, letting out a long "COCKADOODLEDOO!" They dashed away, running for their lives. The chickens celebrated their victory. They never saw the farmers again.  


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