June 8

75 3 1

It was almost midnight, and there were no people in the streets. Plastic signs stuck out of the ground, and papers taped to stop signs fluttered in the wind. "PLEASE BE ALERT OF RACCOONS - CONSULT ANIMAL CONTROL IMMEDIATELY IF YOU SIGHT ANY." There was an unfortunate raccoon infestation in the humble town. Well, unfortunate for the humans anyway.

The lid on a metal trashcan near a sidewalk shuddered, and two beady red eyes popped up, glaring out into the night. The furry figure stepped out of the garbage and began to hop around and scratch the buildings. A thick, white foam outlined his mouth in the moonlight, and there was a crazy look in his eyes.

He abruptly stopped the shenanigans, and stared off into the distance. His eyes were fixed on a certain red barnyard. He licked some of the foam off his lips. "My favorite color." He bounded off towards the not-so-far away housing.

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