July 22

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It had been more than a month since their escape. In the forest, the chickens had learned to live and eat. They had also bulked up significantly. Earning the respect of some wild creatures, they had learned to stay away from all that planned on having them for lunch. With this great life, and less and less to worry about, the chickens began to think back... to their old lives.

"You know, I just can't seem to get it off my mind, those soulless creatures, not only did they want to kill us all that time, but they kept us confined from this freedom. Sweet, sweet, freedom." A rooster stated.

A shiver went down Scratch's spine. He could not force himself to think back to that terrible extent of time in which he was taken away and hung onto his life by a string of thread. Anger boiled inside of him.

One hen decided to talk. "But, have you ever considered... what if they came back?"

"What?" Another surprisingly said.

She walked around him. "We don't live too far from the old farm. We can't retreat further into the woods. What if, don't you think they might come for us?"

"NO!" Scratch shouted. Everybody stared at him. "No, they won't be coming back. We'll ensure to that."

"Whatever do you mean, Scratch?"

"We can't just stand here. They tortured us for years! Years and years! All generations before us also! They should get the karma that they deserve. We need to FIGHT." Scratch said. "But first... we need a plan."

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