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    Everything seemed so dull now. Maybe the world has always been this way and he only realized it now that she was gone from this world. The sky is gray, the clouds in a darker shade of gray, a horribly depressing and lonely color. Everything seemed so distant now that everything had been infected of this horrible color. Gray means sadness, despair, loneliness, death,... Nothing positive in sight. Once something has been infected of this sickly color, nothing can reverse the effects it has. Yes with time, it is possible to heal from it, but never fully. It's like crumpling a piece of paper. You can unfold it and try to flatten it as much as you want, but the sheet of paper will still be awfully deformed with uneven wrinkles all over it. You never truly heal from the effects of this destructive color that may seem quiet and calm for people who never went through those effects. But in reality, It was maybe one of the loudest colors out there, screams of terror, despair, sadness, and agony coming from this simple mix of white and black.

How amusing, the permanent effects it could have on a poor soul of a mere mortal.

Every day, many people would be affected by this merciless color.

One of them was a simple teenager not older than 15 years old. But even by his young age, the gray had infected him without any mercy. The grim reaper had taken his dear mother, someone he loved more than anyone in the world. His mother who had taken care of him even all alone with a father no longer in the picture. She was only 17 when she got pregnant of him. Her parents had kicked her out of the house and she fought this battle all alone, her only source of optimism being the child that she was carrying. And even if she was a single young mother with a child, her son never lacked of anything. He was fed three meals a day, wearing clean clothes, a warm and comfortable bed, and on and on. Leoni knew fully well of all the efforts his mother had to do just so he could have a peaceful and normal life like any other children of his age would have. But shortly after Leoni turned 13, his mother caught some kind of illness that no one could even wish for their worse enemy to have. The doctors had said that the cause of this was her pregnancy. Carrying him had caused many damages to her body that only appeared years after. It was something the doctors had difficulty understanding as the reason for such strain on her body in her pregnancy was still unknown to this day.

Leoni had started to work for both of them now that his mother was dying. For two years, he had to tend to his mother with all the strength a young teen could have. Those two years were difficult and exhausting, but never would Leoni even think of leaving his mother alone. She was the reason why he had such a good life, even while going through all of those obstacles. He loved her so much. And he knew that she loved him just as much as he did. He still remembers the night she died. She was so calm, even if she was fully aware that she was about to die. He will always remember the feeling of her hand touching tenderly his cheek covered in tears. The smile she wore on her face while she was slowly being taken away by death. And her last words before fully becoming a lifeless corpse.

'Find your father, and tell him that I'm grateful for the wonderful son that he gave me.'

But before she could utter the name of his father, her life slipped through her fingers, letting her son with this dying wish.

It is something that he promised his mother. He would deliver this message to his unknown father. After speaking on behalf of his mother, he would kill him, the man who killed his mother, the only one he loved in this entire world.

Even if the ceremony had finished long ago, Leoni still stayed at the side of his mother, standing still with his head down towards the gravestone, not a shadow of emotion being shown on his exhausted face, some strands of hair hiding his face from anyone who would still be around, but at this time, he was all alone. He didn't flinch nor move when he felt water falling from the gray sky in tiny droplets, soaking his long black hair and his black shirt he wore for the ceremony. He only continued to stare blankly at the gravestone with his white eyelashes casting over his dark blue eyes. All that mattered right now was to be with his mother. He didn't want to leave, nor look away from her gravestone. He didn't even pay attention to whoever was behind him, holding an umbrella over his body.

Right now, nothing else mattered to him.

"You're going to catch a cold if you keep standing there under the rain." Stated the voice, his tone indicating a smile on whoever's lips they were to. But Leoni ignored whoever was talking to him, praying that whoever this person was, would leave him alone with his mother.

However, the man only pouted as he got no answer from the teen even after waiting for a few minutes. He decided to join the teen under the umbrella and to gaze at the gravestone in front of him, his smile still on display, seemingly not fazed at the sight of the piece of rock.

"You know, an answer would be nice." Pouted the man as he looked at the teen next to him who was still looking at the gravestone of his mother without any emotions being shown in them. But this time after a few seconds, the teen answered the man.

"What do you want?" Muttered Leoni, his voice monotone and hoarse from the lack of talking he had done in the past days. It was as if someone would have put his voice in a mixer. The man next to him only laughed at the first words the teen had said in the past few minutes.

"I only thought it wouldn't hurt to see an old friend, but looks like I am too late..." Hummed the man as he looked back at the gravestone where the name of said friend was written on it. Leoni only continued to look at the gravestone, the information he had just heard playing in repeat in his head.

"You knew my mother?"

"Of course! I also know your father." Leoni stood still as he took the time to process the words this total stranger had just worded out a second before. Slowly, his head turned to his right side, finally catching a face for the voice.

"How?" Asked Leoni in a mutter, his whole attention now directed on this strange man who pretended to know both of his parents. The stranger looked at him, his dumb smile still on his lips, seemingly untouched by the atmosphere.

"I was working with your father for a few years. That's how I met your mother." Explained calmly the tall man to Leoni who stood there, dumbfounded.

"Would there be a chance for me to meet him?"

"Of course! But it will be difficult, he's not someone accessible." Explained the man as he watched carefully Leoni, waiting for his reaction and answer. For a few seconds, the teen stared at the stranger with some kind of hope in his eyes. He truly didn't care if he had to fight every demon in hell if he could in the end meet his father.

He had made a promise to his mother, after all.

"I don't care what it takes to see this bastard. I will see him whether or not he wants it." The man only continued to smile as he watched the determination of the teen grow ten folds. He looked like a completely different person. Not even a minute ago, he was as emotionless as ice. He laughed at the answer he got, expecting to get an answer similar to this.

"How unthoughtful of me! I didn't introduce myself!" Gasped the man as if he had forgotten the most important thing in the whole world. He extended his hand in front of the teen who looked at the hand with curiosity.

"I'm Satoru Gojo! Teacher to Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical college and the strongest sorcerer to ever walk the earth!" Introduced himself the blindfolded man with a wide smile, showing his white teeth to the teen who narrowed his eyes at the man named Satoru Gojo. What a strange introduction. But he still reluctantly shook the large hand of the man, also introducing himself.

"Leoni Hinode." Muttered said teen, shaking firmly the hand of the white-haired man who continued to smile like a dumb man.

"I feel like we'll get along pretty well, Hinode!" Chuckled Gojo as he wrapped an arm around the shoulders of the teen who didn't even try to push the man away. As they walked away from the graveyard, Leoni noticed that it had now stopped raining, the dark clouds getting away, as if they were scared of the clean and white clouds taking their place. He smiled softly at the sight of the sun peeking out in the sky to say hello to Japan.

And that's how his new adventure started.

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