June 7, 1995

149 9 6

Cover picture made in Photoshop.  Source images:



Wrote this in 6th grade for a writing project.  Don't expect too much. 


Scratch was a skittish and untempered chicken living on a humble country farm. However, he disliked the chicken feed that the other chickens ate and refused to have any, instead eating the grass that grew around the corners of the coop. Because of this, and his excitable nature, he remained very skinny.

In the farmers' view, this made him undesirable. Who wants to eat a chicken with no meat on it? They patiently waited to fatten him up before he would be killed. Meanwhile, the chickens were discussing the latest events.

"You guys! They took Charlie!" A rooster announced.

"Oh, not Charlie!"

"You know, don't you sometimes wonder where he went? Like, where did they take him?"

A group of chicks piped up. "Maybe they took him to a world where there was only food!"

"Only food! Imagine that!" Another replied, dreamily staring into the distance.

"Or maybe he went to an open world, no fence holding him back, and ran free!" A hen said.

The rooster replied. "Wherever he went, he aint coming back. I wonder how his new life is like?"

The farmers, sure enough, returned with no Charlie in hand. They walked back into the farmhouse, brushing off their suits as the chickens watched.

A few chickens in the corner whispered to each other. "Hey, they should'ave taken Shelly." "Yep, don't like her, always acting like the boss of everything."

"Now if you don't mind, I'M STANDING RIGHT HERE." Shelly replied from behind.

"Oh yeah? Well let's see if I care."


Shelly charged at the offender and the coop erupted into a rumble of squawking and raucous crowing. A farmer came from inside and yelled to the chickens. "Shut up, ya stupid feathered freaks!" Everyone quieted to a whisper.

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