Hanako- Dreambender

740 9 3

Yee haw


Being the eighth mystery was no easy job. You were approached daily by students, some more annoying than the rest, and given tasks to file out. You were known as a Dreambender, meaning you had the power to change and alter people's dreams for just a night in return for a good deed. Students would often swing by the rooftop with a flower or cold cup of tea and request a sweet dream. One girl asked for one where a certain handsome, orange-headed man fell in love with her in return for some valuable mermaid scales. How did a human like her even get those? Another boy came by with an old pair of batteries and asked you to make him a pro-gamer in his dream. Obviously, most chose a desirable dream to fulfill their reasonable and understandable desires, all except one boy.


You hummed quietly to yourself, plucking off the petals of a rose a student brought to you earlier. Thankfully, there was a big assembly and it was mandatory for all students to be present at. You felt content in the peaceful silence; floating completely unbothered for once. You were so focused on your flower you hadn't noticed the newcomer floating right before you.

"You must really hate roses that much, huh?"

You jumped and looked up to see Honorable No.7 himself. You cleared your throat and tossed the stem behind your back.

"Yeah, actually. What can I do for you?" You asked, unfolding your legs to sit on the railing of the rooftop.

He chuckled and followed your lead, sitting down beside you. "So you, like, change people's dreams, right? Can you do that for me?"

You cocked your head to the side. "I guess? What do you have for me?" You watched curiously as Hanako dug through his old uniform picket and pulled out his hand, unfolding it to reveal... Absolutely nothing.

You deadpanned. "Uh-huh... Lovely offer you got there," you snickered and pushed his hand away. "Y'know, just for you, I'll do it for free. Only once, though."

Hanako's face lit up like bright Christmas lights. "Reallyyy? You'd do that? For me?? Awe, thanks, [Name]! I'll pay you back somehow!"

You rolled your eyes and smiled. "No need. Doubt you can find anything anyway."

Hanako placed a finger to his bottom lip in thought, quickly glancing down to it and beaming. "Oh, I know!" He crept closer to you, giving you a cheeky smirk. "I could pay you with a kiss~"

You were quick to push his face away and decline. "I-it's no big deal! Just take your dream and leave!"

Hanako shrugged and smiled. "If you say so! However, the offer's always open~ anywho! I want to dream about a whole pool of apple juice for me to swim in- and I also want donuts! Lots and lots of donuts! Oh, and make fish swim in the pool- Are you taking notes?"

Your eye twitched. "I... Why on God's green Earth would you want to swim in a pool of apple juice?? WOULDN'T THE DONUTS JUST GET SOGGY?? YOU'RE A GHOST, CAN YOU EVEN DREAM IN THE FIRST PLACE!?" You screeched, throwing your arms out to your sides.

Hanako shrugged and smirked. "I dunno~ don't question it!"

You sighed and nodded, saying glumly, "Your wish is my command..."

Hanako's face lit up once more and twisted into something much more mischievous. "Oh, is that so? Then, add that I actually get that kiss from you, please!" He gave you a bright innocent smile and floated around you in circles, making you slightly dizzy.

You groaned exasperatedly and snapped your fingers, pinching the bridge of your nose shortly after. "Whatever, man... Enjoy your dream, toilet ghost... Now leave!"

Hanako giggled and thanked you, heading over to the doors before stopping in his tracks and running back to you full speed. You flinched and leaned back as he inched towards you.

He smiled, you sweat dropped, and he quickly pecked your nose before giggling childishly and running off. Your brain couldn't seem to help you form a coherent sentence as you sat on the ledge stammering. You were just glad he left quick enough to miss your bright red face and embarrassingly loud yelp as you nearly toppled over the edge of the railing.

(And yes, later that night Hanako slept in his stall, dreaming of a giant pool of juice and all the donuts he could ever want, as well as the certain extra request he'd made.)


Yeah that was short and stupid but kinda fun to make so idk maybe it was worth it

Also used a prompt from a book here so thank u to whoever made it

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