[HCS] Hanako x Reader

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Warning: Toothrotting fluff ahead I hate this sm

How you Met-

• You were one of the few people who were able to see and communicate with spirits

• You'd figured that out when you saw a small boy, probably your age or younger, floating around the hallways after school while you were waiting to get picked up.

• He kinda freaked you out,, so you were a bit nervous to even go near him

• And then he saw you

• Queue prolonged eye contact

"...What the fuck?"

• Hanako was pretty surprised you could see him,, and before he could say anything, you booked it out the doors

• Not to worry, he found you in your first class the next day!

• He was pretty annoying

• Constantly poking your cheek, peeking over your shoulder to see what you were writing with no understanding of personal space, teasing you, and often accidentally (or not) blocking the board.

• He did seem pretty happy though. He was excited to have another person to befriend and bother when Nene was sick of his shit

• You just decided to live with it to avoid getting strange stares from people.


How you realized your feelings-

• You knew he wouldn't be leaving you alone anytime soon, so you decided to get to know the ghost

• You found out he really liked plain donuts, space, and had a human assistant, whom you befriended shortly after

• Hanako was bubbly, mischievous, playful and rather perverted at times

• You, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. You were more quiet, shy. You were always trying to do the fright thing, earning the names of 'Teacher's Pet' and of course, 'Goody Two Shoes'

• Hanako had a fun time teasing you over that.

• Anyways, you did enjoy his company. He actually helped you get out of your comfort zone.

• He'd often ask you to hang out work him and the others during lunch or after school

• But you were a but nervous. It was scary to met new people, after all. Who knows what they'd think of you?

• So you'd politely decline everytime.

• Hanako didn't take any offense to that, thankfully.

• In fact, he decides to hang out with you alone in the library or in an empty classroom so you'd feel more comfortable.

• Something about that made you feel fuzzy and warm inside

• The thought of him trying to make you feel comfortable made you feel cared for?? In a way? Maybe the bar's just on the floor by now

• Though, over time of course, you gained feelings for the boy

• His flirtatious comments actually made you blush rather than scoff

• It was a little weird to think you liked a literal ghost, but it wasn't necessarily weird in a really bad way. If that makes sense.

Who confessed-

• Honestly??? It probably took a while for either of you to even consider or accept your feelings

• That being said, he did it.

• You were going back and forth over the many outcomes of your potential confession and didn't wanna risk it, so you stayed silent

• Hanako, although extremely nervous and doubtful of himself, decided to just go for it and ask you out

• He requested you to the rooftop after school. He had a cute card and some hard candies as well for you

• He straight up shouted, "I like you! Please go out with me?" Although he looked rather determined and bold, he was doing some crazy mental gymnastics on the inside

• This was his first date/S/O, so he was pretty nervous

• Although, he calmed down after you accepted so quickly

• Mf was over the moon ♡

Uhh?? Actual Headcanons?-

• A little pest tbh

• So sweet tho ♡

• He's pretty unto PDA and literally clings onto you, especially around Nene and Kou

• He still loves hanging out during lunch or after school, mainly in the library where he just cuddles up to you as you both read

• Stargazing dates 100%

• He loves to point put every single constellation and ramble on and one about them

• It's cute tho so ofc you listen

• And he's so happy someone is rlly interested in astrology and space like he is??

• He remembers everything you say

• Your birthday, your anniversary, your favorite holiday, your favorite food, color, show, hobbies, your parents' anniversary-

• He always finds a way to get you a gift on those special days

• Matching costumes during Halloween ♡♡

• He's so clingy during class time... he hugs you from behind or starts playing with your hair in the middle of class.

• Also he loves when you ruffle or gently play with his hair? He also likes to see you wear his hat or a uniform similar to his

• He won't make you clean the bathroom lmao

• Although he might request you make donuts for him bc he can't bake or cook for shit

• Once again, loves cuddling. Literally anywhere.

• Overall, he's such a sweet yet clingy S/O that just wants cuddles and donuts


UGH sorry I forgor abt this book I went and make two other books so I totally forgot I had two others lmfao

Anywwhosies hope this was ok I kinda died halfway thru so forgive me for that lol

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