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Father's own secret lab

Leaving the harpoon gun was the biggest mistake of my life, never have I thought that I would be needing it to kill something other than a Growler. So the only logical solution is to throw myself at Roto in hopes that I could get there faster than anything else. Before I even have time to blink, Roto stopped midway as soon as he saw me came into view.

Friend!" He exclaimed.

“The fuck you think you're doing?!" I told him.

“This one's a growler! Roto thought they were danger!"

“Except her, you tincan!"

This time, Willow also awoke from her sleep, as soon as she laid eyes on Roto, she imediately bared her fangs at him. If I'm not probably around at that time, Roto would've been another pile of excess aluminum. I heard the door behind us opened wide, I already knew who it was so I never bothered to look. I could hear his footsteps echoed on the walls of the room, as he leaves the room without batting an eye on me.

I deserved it.

My eyes laid on Willow who is still, ready to charge at Roto. I pat her down on her bed and all she did was clung to me as if I'm carrying Theo like a baby. Everything she does is remind me of my half-brother. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what to think of Willow. We're not related by blood, it's only her and Theo who does. I'm already out of the equation, but all this time I've been far away from Theo, the more I felt I have something to keep.

“Roto have seen that Subject C-20 have taken a liking to you!" Roto continued.

I was taken aback from him. “W-Wait, hold on, subject? C-20? What the hell are you talking about?"

Faster than the pulse of a heart, the door that connects Willow's bedroom to the hall flew into action. There, appeared Valentine and Cleo with concern on their faces. I don't know what Kane told them, but I'm pretty sure they're bad. Damn you, Kane.

Father walked in front of us and raised his tattered butcher knife, reeking with a smell. I want to explain to him that Roto is a friend, but I was more confused from what Valentine (my father)have said.

“So you were hiding in here for all this time?" He said.

I knew I have to ask for answers. “Father, what's going on?"

“The reason I found myself in this floor is because I'm looking for that thing!"

“What for?"

“It's the automaton that unleashed hell in this city, my boy! Along with its master, conniving beneath the walls of this luxurious hole of garbage!"

My eyes wandered toward Roto who's trying his best to explain what my father accused him with. His nuts and bolts might've short-circuited because his robotic voice all sound tangled and disorganized. But it still doesn't explain the why. I turned back to Valentine to ask him once more. To his relief, it feels like it was something he's been dying to let it out of his chest.

“For sure, I know you've heard what Mason and I talked about all those years ago." He said.

“The project, but I don't get it, I have no idea what it could be." I replied.

Valentine sighed. “That ‘project' my dear boy, is this entire apocalypse. It's what your father have dedicated his life to fulfill. His entire research about this organic plant that could produce hallucinogenic properties that could alter the behavior of a human in a manner of seconds. Produce that plant into the air molecules and you got this! "

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