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Cleo's much cooler now

When Cleo started as an intern for the infirmary, there's nothing that I could've imagined to be more cool than that. She's saving lives, hell, even understand the basics of the human anatomy. She always have the solution to any minor problems a person could have.

Although the infirmary never receives so many patients, that is because the price is much higher than our regular paychecks. But when they fainted while doing their work, their first choice are the infirmary. Many are scared to be stripped off their money. Even though they told us we would be safe, this city won't exist without it. Our only memory of the outside world, trading and money. Ran by tincans, I'm surprised they even provided us a property of our own, when they can easily took it all away and push us to our deaths.

But like I said, some people accept a trade without money. Some would exchange a labor, or something material aside from money. A lot of people practiced that in the earlier years, giving birth to the Trading Market they called the, "Quarry" down at the farthest point of the ground level. To get there, well, you have to walk. Most of us does. The only transport are those tubes that only goes up and down, but nobody uses them especially for the people below because they don't belong there. There's nothing up here that they can even afford to purchase. That's why a lot of people would resort to walking miles just to get to the Quarry.

Valentine has a shop there. That's where I mostly got our stuff. A bunch of random things about the outside world. Father's teaching came from him, so I kind of have taken a liking and served as his customer as well.

Taking things back to my reality, Cleo silently escorted us back to her clinic. Her clothes are more tattered now, which kind of looked cool. She's like those people that traverse the wilderness according to one of Father's stories. She now have pants and her nurse dress acts like one big shirt. With a piece of battering wood strapped on her back, and what I think is a box of scalpel on her back pocket.

We reached the infirmary, she ushered us all inside. Turns out, the infirmary still has power. I'm starting to wonder whether the other ports literally exploded or that's just one.

"Why so surprised?" Cleo asked me like she couldn't believe me.

"I'm just surprised your building still has power." I replied.

She scoffs, "You built a generator, remember? When Theo got sick you pleaded Dr. Michelle to exchange that part for Theo's treatment."

"Which she never accepts because Mirror City never ran out of power, she said." I remembered.

"There was a soft rumbling above here when you decided to blow up the ports. I'm surprised you even managed to survive."

"I had help."

Cleo started looking at Kane which kinda irritates me, she's not looking at him like she did before. The gleaming eyes, the desire to touch him, her hunger for his butt, all gone. She's looking at him like he's just another person.

"Why are you here, by the way." She said as she sits on top of one bed.

"Oh," I pulled Willow in front of me, Cleo jumped out of her seat and pulled her battering wood.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy!" I said.

"Easy? She's like them!" She protested.

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