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roto told me his story

Never show signs of violent behavior.

Always refer to your full name.

Keep Mirror City clean and working.

Never question the automatons (they are doing their best for everyone's protection).

Never interfere with the automaton's business.

If asked, you must always comply.

No attacking another resident.

You must do your part.

No one is allowed to stop with their jobs unless they're ill or incapable.

This is our laws we must uphold, to keep Mirror City on our fold. Observe to avoid exile and be lost, follow Mirror City's Nine Laws.

It was the only thing that kept on ringing on my head as far as Roto tried to cheer himself up. I tried waking up Kane but he just ignores me as he snore. The athlete is now sleeping with how the world above turned upside-down. I can't process the fact that everybody turned into a killing machine up there. Not that I saw one, but the way they're acting. Their bloodshot eyes, their hunger for something I can't figure what, and the way they growl and act like...

“A zombie." I blurted out.

My father only told me little stories about it. He said that they attack humans and eat them. He also added how they recognize their own, and once they eat you, there is a good chance you'll turn into one of them. But that couldn't be what's happening above. They don't look decayed like how my father described them. They're still humans but acting... Violently. They're clearly defying the first and seventh law, that's why the drones are trying their best to capture and apprehend everyone they see. But even the guns, tasers, darts, and even grenades didn't work on them. My brain could only figure so much from the information I gathered while we're back there.

Then my attention turned to Roto who's trying to climb back up. It was kind of a good thing that our fall wasn't that deep. But one thing I noticed is how Roto was able to manage cutting floors with as thick as five meters. I'm not even starting with how his pinchers transformed into a big saw blade, how it even managed to cut through that.

Roto is still trying his best to climb back up, which I find annoying. His small motor in his uni-wheel kept on making these noises that aren't compatible with my fuzzy head.

“Won't you stop?!" I demanded.

Roto suddenly did and he rolled towards me, imitating the way I sat. I figured this was the right time in asking him about things I found amusing earlier.

“Oh this," he did the pincher thing again, “It was part of Roto's design. Roto's maker made it retractable with the most advanced technology that Mirror City offered."

I could feel my eyes narrowed. “Mirror City has nanotech?"

He turned to me, surprised. “You know about it?"

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