🌬Chapter 1☁

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Peat runs a small coffee shop with few customers and business was also so-so. He spends his free time staring at the office building opposite the side of the road in a daze.

He met Fort a month ago. At that time he was sitting inside the counter, reading when he heard the ding dong sound of the chime bell. Fort stood outside with a brightened face as it came in contact with rays of sunshine.

Peat saw Fort’s face when he raised his head, and this face made him wonder if he was still dreaming.

When Fort saw his sluggish expression, he waved at him and said, "Hey boss, a latte."

Peat hurriedly stood up and stuttered, "H-Hello."

Fort laughed out loud, "I know that I am very handsome but you don’t need to look that foolish, boss."

Peat’s earlobe slightly turned red. He didn’t know how to reply so he hastily went to make coffee, "Please wait a minute."

Fort went and sat down on a seat near the window. Peat made the coffee and brought it over, and leaned over to place it on the table. Fort smiled at him to express his gratitude and Peat nodded. However when he turned around, his hands shook uncontrollably.

This is probably the first time that he has ever been close to Fort.

Peat forgot when he had started liking Fort. It was perhaps when he was in high school or long before.


So You Like Me Too (FortPeat AU)Where stories live. Discover now