25. your time is an illusion II

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your time is an illusion until it isn't. stop postponing your growth. stop saying "I'll come visit 'tommorow'" everyday. make out time to go today. just do it if you can. be present for the people you love. be present for yourself.

you are not defined by your mistakes, don't let them rule you. recognise your faults and fix them. there is always a way.

learn how to laugh again, detoxify your soul. learn to embrace the cold but still give off warmth. don't waste time on quarrels that lead nowhere. don't waste time on hate. don't waste time.

give the love you have. let it go. stop trying to perfect its appearance, stop trying to rationalize its existence, stop waiting for the perfect moments. now is good enough, because later is never guaranteed for you or those that you adore.

understand that your love isn't in their reciprocation, but if you have something as precious as that cherish it.

understand that no one is guaranteed tomorrow.
realise how badly your heart will break if the ones you cherish suddenly die and you're left without a chance to apologize or appreciate, or share that joyous moment with them.

cherish each second you're given
do something with what you have.
butterfly effects exist, don't be mistaken
but our time is just an illusion, until it isn't.

you are greater than they say.
please don't be afraid to conquer what is today.


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