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"Fuck.." Krist suddenly cursed. Kurt tilted his head. His eyebrows furrowed.

"What? You're making it sound like it's bad." Kurt muttered, starting to overthink again. Krist shakes his head.

"No, no. Don't overthink like that. It's nothing bad..just, hard to put into words." Krist muttered as he clicked his tongue.

Kurt lifted his head. He shoved some of blonde locks of of his face. He stared up at Krist with naïveness.

"You're Oblivious."

Krist spoke as he stared into Kurt's cerulean eyes with love and admiration.

"..I am?" Kurt muttered out the question. His voice very soft and rasped.

"Yes, very oblivious." Krist replied as he scooted himself closer to the blonde.

The bass players hazel colored eyes glance themselves to the frontman's lips. Subconsciously, he bit his own.

Krist sighed softly. He leaned in closer. Kurt was too frozen to move now.

Hearts racing when they realize how close they are from one another. Their foreheads lightly pressed against each other's.

"I can't put the secret into words.. is it okay if I show you?" Krist whispered softly onto Kurt's lips.

The scent of cigarettes hitting each other's lips. Kurt felt his throat go stiff. What did Krist mean?

He only stared at Krist with his blue eyes. Seemingly not blinking because he's thinking this is some fever dream.

Krist sighed as he decided to make the risk anyway. No going back. Krist softly placed his lips onto Kurt's.

Kurt tensed up. He is frozen in shock. This was the secret? The blondes heart was pounding hard against his ribcage.

Krist felt himself tear up as he continued to move his lips onto Kurt's. Then, he felt the same feeling.

It came back. Their lips passionately and softly moving together. Krist couldn't help but smile in between the kisses.

He wrapped his arms around Kurt as they continued to kiss for a moment. Eventually, Krist pulled back.

Kurt's cheeks are rosy. He stared up at Krist with shock and loving feelings. He bit his bottom lip, savoring the taste of Krist.

Krist smiled as kept his arms around Kurt. "That's the secret." He whispered as he stared into Kurt's charming blue eyes.

Kurt shyly looked away which caused Krist to move his hands off of him. "You okay?.." he asked.

Kurt nodded his head. "Mhm."

"You sure?"


Krist furrowed his eyebrows. He leaned close again and tilted his head. "You got quiet on me." He said. A pinch of concern crawling up his spine.

"I'm sorry." Kurt apologized. Krist felt his heart suddenly ache. "No, I'm sorry. If you don't feel the same, I get it..it's just i wanted to let you know." Krist rambled on.

Kurt leaned in and pecked Krist's lips. This quieted the bass player.

"No, i..I do feel the same." Kurt reassured. Krist sighed in relief. "Then, what's wrong..?" He asked softly.

"I just didn't know you felt this way towards me." Kurt replied as he hid his face into Krist's shoulder.

He felt something damp on his bare skin. Krist furrowed his eyebrows. "Kurt..?" He trailed off.

Soft sobs escaped out of Kurt. Krist went wide eyed and lifted Kurt's face. "Hey, hey. What's with the tears..?" Krist asked.

Kurt sniffled as Krist wiped his eyes. "I'm just, so happy." Kurt replied. A smile broke across Kurt's face. Tears rolling down his face.

"I kept this a secret from you too.. I wanted to move on.. I thought you'd never love me." Kurt rambled on as he broke into sobs.

"Oh, honey.." Krist used the pads of his thumbs to wipe Kurt's away. "I'm glad you didn't move on though. I'm relieved you feel the same way."

Kurt sniffled a few times as he smiled again. Calming his tears down.

After awhile, the two laid together. Now calm with their emotions. The newly couple held each other close.

Covered in the blankets. Krist kissed Kurt's cheek. "Get some sleep, we have to tell Dave in the morning. I thought I heard him come in earlier."

And to Krist's suspicion, he is correct. Dave is home. Currently passed out on the couch from drinking the case of alcohol in the fridge.

Kurt glanced at the clock. It was late at night. 3:40. He yawned. Nodding in agreement. "He will support us." Krist reassured to Kurt.

"Well.. I know that." Kurt replied as he laid his head onto Krist's chest. Using his finger and drawing little shapes ln the bassists chest.

"Ha.. you're so cute." Krist mumbled as he kissed the blondes head. "I am?" Kurt asked, rather unsure if that was true.  Krist nodded.

"Yes, you're cute and very handsome."

Kurt couldn't help but smile at those words. He leaned his head up and kissed Krist's lips.

Krist returned the kiss.

"Thank you." Kurt whispered as he kissed Krist's cheek also. Krist leaned his head down and kissed Kurt once again on the lips.

Kurt returned the kiss.

"I love you." Krist spoke lovingly to his new boyfriend.

"I love you, too." Kurt replied.

The couple fell asleep holding each other in a warm embrace.

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