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Stopping the car at the pizza restaurant, Krist puts the van into park.

The reality of reasons on why Dave left for a while – is because Krist wants to get his feelings acrossed with Kurt Cobain.

It'll be a difficult ride, but he hopes for the best reaction. The sound of the car door opening on Kurt's side made Krist snap back into the reality.

The two exited the van and went into the location of where they stopped by.

"Here." Krist muttered as he opened the entrance for Kurt. Kurt nodded and looked downwards as he walked inside first.

Krist followed in behind, the little bell rings as they enter the delicious scent of the greased pizza and bread sticks.

Alongside with a small burning scent of alcoholism. It left the two with a tugging urge in the back of their heads to get a bottle or two.

"Pick a table, I'll get the food ordered. Along with the Alcohol." Krist muttered into Kurt's ear since the music was blasting inside.

Kurt nodded as the two make their separations of ways. His greasy mid-lengthed blonde hair was in his face.

He chose a table that was in the corner. Away from all the attention, ever since ' Nevermind ', they have blown up in popularity and he didn't want to be dealing with that.

Krist came back after a few minutes with boxed pizza in one hand, and two bottles of the burning throated drinks in the other.

The bassist found where Kurt was sitting and placed the box in front of him.

"Got a to-go box just so we can have some to save for later. It's a medium sized."

Krist explained as the two sounds of thudding came from the bottles behind placed down.

"Okay." Kurt mutterd as he opened the box. The scent hitting both of the men's noses.

Mouths watering as they realized how hungry they actually were. Kurt takes a slice for himself as Krist sits across the booth.

Now sitting across from each other, the two began to eat the goodness and greased of the pizza.

"So, how are you doing man?" Krist asked as he popped open his bottle. Taking a swig as he exhaled heavily. Feeling the burning sensation crawl down his throat.

"Mm?" Kurt hummed as he finished his bite of the flavors of the meal he held in his hand. "Fine." He replied simply as he yanked the bottle out of Krist's hand.

"Hey!" Krist shouted in a jokingly manner as Kurt chugs a bit of the alcoholic drink.

"Hi." Kurt smugly grinned as he sets the bottle down. "Reminder, you have to take us home tonight." He winked.

Krist felt his face warm up a bit as he laughed. Taking the bottle back as he takes a small swig.

"Right..almost forgot." Krist sarcastically replied as he picked up a slice of the pizza and started to eat it.

"No problem." Kurt laughed softly as he opened his own alcohol bottle.

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