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The drive is a bit longer than expected. Krist yawned as he makes a turn. It has been an hour drive, and two more hours to go before they reach home.

The empty bag of chips remained on the floor of the car. He glanced at the little clock that rested on the cars radio. It said 1:03AM.

Krist groaned. "Won't be back till 3..shit." He muttered tiredly. Barely any cars were in sight, since they were more in the country forestry side.

Kurt hummed as his eyelids fluttered opened. He jolted his body up. "Krist! I have to puke!" He shouted, more sobered up than earlier in the night.

"What?!" Krist panicky shouted as he makes a sharp turn, quickly passing a car.

"I have to fucking puke!" Kurt shouted again in warning as he gagged a few times.

"Fuck, fuck! Okay!" Krist pulled over onto the side. Kurt frantically opened the passengers door and stumbled out of it.

Little crickets can be heard alongside of Kurt's vomiting. Krist watched in worry for a moment before getting out of the car.

Leaving the car doors open as he held Kurt's hair back. Kurt crouched further down as he coughed a few times.

"You okay man?" Krist asked worriedly. Rubbing Kurt's back. Harsh breathing can be heard before Kurt spat on the ground.

"Yeah..just the alcohol." Kurt nodded as he leaned back up. Standing up as he seemed to be okay now.

"Well that's a relief. Just be easy on it next time." Krist worriedly replied which caused Kurt to laugh and softly shove Krist back. "Sure man."

Krist rolled his hazel eyes and shoved Kurt back. Kurt scoffed as Krist stuck his tongue out.

"Fucker." Kurt spat and jumped up and gently whacked the bassists head.
"Hey!" Krist laughed as he picked up Kurt.

Kurt laughed as he was held bridal style by Krist. Krist calmed his own laughter down.

Eyeing Kurt with love. His heart fluttered as his hazel eyes poured into Kurt's facial features.

Blue flashed themselves into the hazel eyes. Reflections of the same emotions of happiness and love.

Krist was mentally awestruck. He had no idea how Kurt felt the same. But in factual, he did.

They stared in each other's eyes. Did Kurt know his own feelings?
Krist raised his eyebrow which caused the frontman to shyly look away.

Krist sets Kurt down. "Want a smoke break? Or do you want to smoke while I drive?"

"A break." Kurt replied as he stretched his arms in the air. He shivered as he lowered his arms.

Realizing how cold it has gotten as he buttons up his dark green colored cardigan that was over his Flipper tee.

Krist ruffled Kurt's hair. "okay, I'll get your pack. I'm stealing one." Kurt scoffed as Krist went to the car, he grabs the pack of cigarettes and the lighter.

"But those are mine!" Kurt whined as Krist shuts the car doors. "Yeah? And I paid for them." Krist snarky replied as he smirked.

Kurt rolled his cerulean blue eyes as he chuckled. "Fine, open her up." Krist takes off the plastic seel that was covering the box of Winston's.

He flicked open the tiny lid. Taking out two cancer sticks. He tossed one to Kurt. Kurt catches it. "thanks."

"Of course." Krist replied as he watched Kurt sit on the hood of the car. "Come sit, light it up." Kurt says, slightly muffled from the Cancerous stick in between his lips.

"Yeah, sure." Krist muttered as he takes a seat on the hood beside Kurt.

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