9-Duble reval

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Logis pov:

"I just don't get it." I vented to Cole who was in a Craboard box with "Jail" written on it. "Day is almost over and nobody got powers."

"Well maybe I got the power of amnesia, bcs I DIDINT DO ANYTHING!" 

"Cole, I literally watched you tear my hat."

"IM TELLING YOU I DIDN'T DO IT! I remember I was in the living room, and I saw Kram looking at me, and the next thing I know, I am in the hallway with your hat in my hands." He cried. 

"Logi, it's time for you to leave." Irish, who just entered the room said. I got up and leave for my room. I lie on the bed. 

"Neather,  what if today's power was like Razus, where it only effects themself so we can't figure out the power?!" I vented to Neather.

"All of the powers so far were discovered by accident, Im sure that will happen to that to new power tomorrow! Good night!" He said and goes to sleep. I go to sleep soon after. 

Tomorrow, after finishing my superhero duties, I was in the kitchen  with  Kram, G4J and Adventure. Kram and Adventure were fighting over food.

All of the sudden, Kram started staring into Adventure. Than Adventure calms down. "Sorry Kram, here have the rest of my burger." He gave him the food. There was a second of silance before Kram said "Thank you", took Adventures food, and turned to left, but


Adventure was screaming at Kram. "Adventure you gave him the food, he can leave if he wants to." I said.

"What?! I didn't!! What are you talking about?!"

"You did, I saw you." Kram agreed with me, but G4J just looked at Kram wirdly.

"How did you do that?" He asks Kram. "Do what?" "I don't know, It looked like you...mind controlled him or something like that..."

Kram looked at him in shock. "Wait, you can mind control?" G4J asks.

"What?!" Kram sounded offended, but also nervous. "W-Why would you think that?"

"You are saying it, but you aren't...like you are thinking it..."

And idea pops in my head. Frogs are really cool  I thought.

"Yeah they are-" "Gotch ya!" I yelled pointing at him. "You can read minds! But wait...that means..." I turn to Kram "That means you can mind control. Why didn't you tell me."

Kram stayed silent, sweating. I sighed in frustration and took G4J by arm. "Come on G4J, we need to register you to Neon Light."

"What about me?" Kram asked. I looked at him, killing him with my stare. "Because you didn't tell anyone about your powers, you won't get in the club."

Kram looked offended. "That's not fair!!"

"Uh...Logi I don't want...to be in the super hero club..." G4J said.

"First, its Shockwave for you. Second, What? You have to be in it. Its not a choice. Now come on, let's go." I dragged him out of the room.

Word Count: 500

Hey guys, sorry for being dead for so long. I seem to have some kind of writer's block during February and March for some reason, + I have a bunch of irl stuff to do. I will try to write the next parts sooner. Have a day.

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