6-Scientist becomes test subject

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Tipper's pov:

Space, 10 and Irish, oh sorry "The Mime", "Night Watch" and "Neon Light", have made a "Super hero club" and are going around the Resort showing off their costumes.

Cole and Logi have been super exited abt this. Cole becose he wanted to be part of it, and Logi becose he wanted to watch them using super powers and, once again, try to figure this "mistery" out.

I'll be honest, I'm worried about him. No one else has shown that much interest in the reason we gain power, and he spends hours and hours making notes and studying them. Neather said That Logi hadn't slept last night and that instead of sleeping he read his notebooks again.

Tonight I told him that he was not allowed to stay awake because of powers and that if he did stay I would forbid him to talk about powers at all.

Nobody's pov:

The next morning, the first thing Logi did was going from person to person and checking if they had been given powers overnight.

Tippers woke up and she left her room and went to the kitchen. Sudendly she was pushed to the wall. "Sorry mom." Logi appeared out of nowhere. "I just figure out I can run super fast and while I was running I acidentaly pushed you."

"Wait you can run super fast?"

"Yes, let me show you."

He took her for a wing and stardet running. Just in few seconds they were in front of the house.

"W-Wow, that is cool."

"Yeah, and the best thing is that I can investigate myself witch is easier than investigating others! Now Im going to my room to begin, bye."

But before he went to his room, Tippers grab him by the arm. "Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that. I don't want you to do reasurce on this again."


"I want you to know I am not grouding you. I just want whats best for your."


"No but. Understand?"

Logi angrly looked at his mom. "Yes." He hissed. He than ran back to his room. Just as he sat on his bed, somebody knocked. He Got a up and opened the door.

It was Cole. "Hey, Logi I was just walking in the hallway whan sudden rush of wind hit me and I noticed that your door was opened and shut realy fast. Just wanna let you know."

"Oh, I know about that, that was me. I  room."

"*Gasp* So you can run super fast, like flash?!"

"Um, yes."

"That is great :D. Lets go! Super hero club have meeting right now, we have to let them know!

West's pov:

"Ok, lets start rollcall."

"Neon light, there are only three of us in his club. We don't realy need rollcall."

Sudenly, Cole burst thru the room draging Logi.


"I know, Im briging Logi! He have goten the power!"

"Realy?" 10 asked. "What is it?" "Super speed." "Hmm, prove itit croasing her hands." "If you want to."

Logi that dissapeard, but only few seconds later he apperad again, eating banana.

"I welcome you to the club, Logi!"

"Can I be in it too?"

"Still no Cole."

Cole than leave with sad face. Irish looked at Logi. "Ok, we need to make you aw costume and a name." "Don't worry I got this."

Than he ran out of the room door. Very quickly he returned like this.

"That is the lazyest costume I have ever seen

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"That is the lazyest costume I have ever seen."


"Wait, did you change your sprinkles to look like a lightning?" I asked him. "Yes, do you like it?" "How did you do it?" "Crayons!"

"Ok, cool lets made your super hero name." 10 said.

"Oh I know!" I said "What do you think of "Shockwave"?" Logi was silent for a second. "Sure!".

"Well, you new name is Shockwave. We will call you that everytime you wear that costume." "Ok, what to we do now?" "Lets do try to test your powers!" Irish said.

"But my mom said I cant test powers any more." Logi said sadly.

"She never said anything about us!"  Irish said as she took Logi by the arm and drag him outside. 10 and I folloed them.

Word count: 708

I was looking through my power list and then I realized that PK have (what I think is) stupid power and I deleted it. So he will be the last to get powers.

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