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Logis pov:

I woke up at 6 am.

That is worst part about being in super hero club. We have to get up earlyer than everybody alse because Irish will tell us about stuff we have to do today. Its usualy just normal house chore, but it can be something more special. During that time we have to wear our costumes and call each other by their super hero name.

At around 18 pm. We come back to Irishes room where she will tell us how did we did today and about problems we should try to fix tomorow. After that we can take our costumes off and do what ever we want until 6 am, when proces starts again.

I was standing, in my costume, in front of Irishes room with 10. When we heard arguing from insaide, we both knew Irish is up and meeting will start soon.

We waited few extra minutes waiting for Space and Razu. When they finnaly come, Razu was still a wolf, so I assume West wasnt able to turn them back into tree.

"You are late." Irish said to them.

"Lisen, we were up until 4 a.m; sorry for being tired." Space sarcasticly.

"But you were unsuccessful it seems" Irish asked.

"Obviously." Razu said. 

"Ok, you and The Mimic are gonna try to get you back in your old body."

"I have an idea. I have turned into wolf when I was taking a nap. So mabey if I take another nap I will turn back into a tree." Razu suggest.

"Hmmm...Mabey. But try that later." Irish said. "Lets see what we have to do today." She said taking some kind of clipboard.

"10, please clean boys bathroom and Logi, vacum living room. I will change sheets in every room. That is all for this morning, see you in 18 PM."

Nobody's pov:

Logi finised vacuming living room and put vacum back into closet. He than went back to living room. In there were Cole and Kram. 

"Hi guys" Logi waved to Cole. He looked at himlike he scasred him. "Um h-hey Log-I mean, uh, Shockwave." He seemd nervous.

"Are you alright?" Logi asked.

Cole just blankly stared at Logi, before runing towords him, taking his hat and ran awey with it.

Logi catch up with him realy fast (obviously). He took his hat out of his hands.

"Cole you can't just take other peoples stuff, especialy not me, I have powers, thefore I am-" Cole with a mischivius grin took hat out of Logis hands again and tore it apart.

"COLE WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screamed at him.

"Hey, whats happening?" Irish, who have just come down in the hallway, asked.


"What?" She looked at Cole. "Why would you do that?"

Cole blinked a few times. His exprecion become confused. "Do what?" He asked.

"What do you mean do what, you just tore my hat appart!"

Cole looked down at the two torn pices of paper hat. "What-I didin't do IT I SWEAR"
Cole cried.

"I literaly watched you do it." Logi rolled his eyes.

"BUT I DIDINT FUCKING DO IT I SWEAR!!" He continued crying.

"Cole you can cry for next week, you are litteraly holding the evidance that you did it." Irish said. "Im sorry (I am acualy not) but ruining heros costume should be punished."

Logi heard giggles behind him. He turn around to saw Kram leaning against the door frame.

"What is so funny, bitch?" He asked him rudly, he was realy pised off right now.

"Ah, nothing, I was just remembering something." They said as they walk awey.

Earlyer this morning

Kram's pov:

I woke up and I got out of bed. Than I foun some note on my night stand.

On the note it said: "Concentrate on someone for 10 seconds. If you want to stop doing that, just keep your eyes shut for around 3 seconds."

I was looking at the note. "What the fuck?" I whisperd to myslef. I shruged it off and went to living room. Only other person there was Cole. i remeberd what the note said, and tried concentrating on him for 10 seconds.

Sudenly my view changed. It was a bit taller and I had hands? (If I had a nickel for every time I wrote that armless character was wirded out by the fact they have arms, I would have two nickles. Witch isint a lot but its wird it happend twice.) I was also standing in difrent place. The place Cole was standing.

I looked at my old place, and low and behold: I was standing there, at least my body was there.

Did I swaped bodys with Cole?

"Hey?" I asked "myself". That "me" didin't say anything, just walked to the chair and sat on it.

Than Logi walked in room. "Hi guys." He sad to us. I was a bit scared to answer.

"Um h-hey Log-I mean, uh, Shockwave" Good I siunded like Cole.

"Are you alright?"

I stand there in silance. Than I got an idea.

I ran towards him, took his hat of him and ran awey with it.

In less than a second he catch up to me and took hat from my hands.

"Cole you can't just take other peoples stuff, especialy not me, I have powers, thefore I am-" I took hat back from his hands and tore it appart.

"COLE WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screamed at me. "Hey, whats happening?" Irish, who have just come down in the hallway, asked.


"What?" She looked at me. "Why would you do that?"

I relaised I am in danger, so I closed my eyes shut hoping what note meant by "stop doing that" is stoping controling his. body.

I opended my eyes again, and I was back
in living room.

"BUT I DIDINT FUCKING DO IT I SWEAR!!" I heard screming coming from hallway.

I exit the room to see whats happening.

"Im sorry but ruining heros costume should be punished." Irish said to crying Cole. I giggeld.

"What is so funny, bitch?" Logi asked me rudly.

Ah, nothing, I was just remembering something." I said as I walk awey.

So, I cane swap bodies? Cool. I think I should tell that to Logi, he does-wait a damn minute.

What if I don't tell him that? I can have this power in secret! It seem when I swap bodies with somebody, they don't get to be in my body. More like an A.I. is controling it.

So if I don't do it too often, nobody would know!

Ha! I am a genius!

Word count: 1120


Thank you for reading this, story :)

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