Chapter 7

348 8 45

Mentions of smut


We got home from bowling and Wilbur and I immediately went upstairs to my room. I kick off my shoes and quiet literally, flop onto the bed. Wilbur does the same. We just lay there for a while taking in everything.

"Want to do something Q?" He asks me. "Sure. Like what?" "I could sing a song I've been working on?" He suggested. "Yea I'd like that." I said snuggling into his chest.

<•°•《| insert favourite Wilbur Soot / Lovejoy song Here |》•°•>

When Wilbur was done the song, he looked at me and asked "so? What do you think?" "It was great mi Amor!" I said, resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you liked it duckling." He responded. "Why is that?" I asked feeling like I knew the answer. "Because it's about you." He said confirming my suspicions. "You're pretty Wil." I said closing my eyes.  "You're more pretty duckling." He said back. 

Him saying this made me really red. What does he want with me? If he's doing a dare I swear I'll beat the little bitch's face out. We just sat watching YouTube for a little while.  Today was Sunday. Meaning we had school tomorrow. I crawl out of the bed and get changed into pajamas. Wilbur is just staring at me. 

"What are you looking at Wilby?" I ask him. "Your hot ass body." He says like it's the most normal thing to say ever. "We gotta go to sleep Wil so get changed." I tell him. "What if I just undress and don't get dressed again?" He asks testing my limit. "You wouldn't be able to walk for a week." I say slyly. "Maybe I won't then~" he says getting up and walking towards me. 

He pulls his shirt off not breaking eye contact. He slowly takes off his belt, his pants bound to follow. He's just about to pull them down when my mom k ocks on the door.

"Wilbur? Can I borrow my Sun for a minute?" She says not opening the door. "Y-yes. He's your son after all."Wilbur says going back to the bed.

I walk over to my mother. Ready for whatever she might say to me. I close the door behind me and look back to face her in the hallway. 

"Yes mother? What do you need?" I ask her. "Look I find it nice that you have a boyfriend and all, but... No. Sex. Got it?" She asks me. "I know mom! It was once and we were both drunk!" I say talking about my ex. "I know honey but I don't want to hear that again." She says. "Go back to your boyfriend now."

I walk into my room and close the door. I look over to my bed to see Wilburr there. He walked over to me and grabbed my hips.

"What did she have to say?" He asked resting his head in the crook of my neck. "No sex." I say. "That's sad. Reasonable, but sad." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

We climbed into my bed and fell asleep pretty fast.

Time Skip brought to you by my laziness! 

I woke up and climbed out of bed. It was really bright seeming I forgot to close the curtains before Wilbur and I went to bed last night.

"Wilby darling~ Wake up." I whisper giving his scruffy jaw a gentle kiss. "Do I have to wake up?" He asked drowsily. "Yes mi Amor you do." I say. "Fine.but give me a minute." He says.

I wait for my boyfriend to wake up so we can get changed. He finally gets out of bed and goes over to my closet where he has some of his clothes. I walk over to him and put my arms around his waist. He's way too tall. He passed me one of his hoodies and a pair of my skinny jeans. I put them on and go back to snuggling Wilbur Soot. 

"Do you need anything dear?" He asks looking at me. "Attention." I tell him. "When I'm dressed okay Amor?" He said kissing my forehead "you learnt Spanish?" I ask exited. "No it's just I hear you say it so I thought you would appreciate it if I were to tell you."He giggles and gets dressed.

704 words.

Sorry for the short chapter I'm starting to not be able to read words anymore so I'm going to bed mow good night my dear friends 

Love you/ p


Emoji of the day:🛌 person sleeping

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