ⅠⅠⅠ: The Wide Window-edited

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For Beatrice-
I would much prefer it if you were alive and well.

The children along with Mr. Poe arrived at Lake Lachrymose, and departed from the Fickle Ferry. "Here we are, children. Deemo...Dimo...Dudy Damo..Democlay...Dimoclat....Dimoclath...Democaca...Dock." Mr. Poe said as he struggled to read the sign above him. "It's pronounced Damocles," Violet corrected. "After the probably apocryphal figure in Sicilian Mythology," Klaus explained. As Mr. Poe always does he left the children alone, while the children waited for a taxi for their Aunt Josephine.

By coincidence, a taxi pulled up right next to the children which took them to their Aunt's home that was on a cliff. The taxi ride there was overall boring. Anastasia even fell asleep laying her head on Klaus' shoulder. He immediately blushed as he looked over at his sister, who only smirked. "I hope your Aunt has enough food for when Hurricane Herman comes around." "I thought hurricanes only occur near oceans?" "With a body of water as large as Lake Lachrymose, anything can happen."

When the 4 orphans reached the front door they had found a sign that said 'please go away'. Violet tried to ring the doorbell, but alas all that came was silence. Right before Klaus could knock on the door it swung open to reveal a woman holding her shawl for dear life. "Don't knock. You might get splinters," the woman said. "You must be right. We are looking for our Aunt Josephine. I'm Anastasia O'Malley, and these are-" "Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire, of course. Come in. Come in!"

The children all walk in, while Klaus informs the woman that her doorbell seems to not work. "It's disconnected. There is the danger of electrocution." "Do you live with our Aunt Josephine," Violet asked. "I am your Aunt Josephine." She then turns and looks at a mirror, which somehow scares her.

'I know you must have seen many unusual things." "Yes, we have." "You must also have many questions." "Yes, we do." "In my library you will find all the answers that you need." The children then open the doors, to see a library with a wide window looking over Lake Lachrymose. Their aunt shares why she couldn't meet them at the docks. Her husband, Ike, had died in the waters by Lake Lachrymose fierce leeches.

Aunt Josephine guided the children to a safe in the wall, but instead of showing the children what they actually needed to find out the truth about their parents. "Grammar," their aunt said. "Grammar?" "Grammar. Since I lost Ike, I have devoted my life to the study of it." A clock rings, to which no surprise to the orphans scared their Aunt Josephine. "Lunch time. How does soup sound?" "Sounds wonderful." The children say in unison.

After lunch, Aunt Josephine gives the children each gifts. "For Violet, a lovely doll. For Klaus, a deck of cards. For Anastasia, a pack of colored pencils. And for Sunny, a little rattle." She explains to the children that there are cans at every door and window, so if a burglar comes they will be alerted right away. The children then tell their Aunt about Hurricane Herman, to their surprise, Aunt Josephine had no clue about the phenomenon. "We must all go into town immediately to get supplies and food." "Why don't me, Ana, and my siblings stay here?" "Good point. You never know what might happen in a small town. Have you read Thornton Wilder? Perhaps we should all stay here!" "But what if we run out of food during the Hurricane?" Violet says as she stands. "Wouldn't that be frightening." "Terribly frightening." Klaus and Violet say as they stand. Aunt Josephine then leaves to go to the market, scared of what might happen if she doesn't get what they need.

The children all make themselves a hot meal, because the one Aunt Josephine fed them was a Cold Chilled Cucumber Soup, which did not make Sunny's stomach feel the best. "I know you don't care for the sound, but maybe I can use your rattle for a burglar alarm so Aunt Josephine won't have to rely on piles of cans." Violet suggests. "If you don't mind, Klaus. Could I have the cards? I used to magic tricks and play card games when I was younger, and I want to see if I still remember." Ana asks. "Oh yea of course! I quite enjoy colored pencils anyway." Klaus said almost too excitedly. Violet looked at her brother oddly knowing full well he can't stand the smell of colored pencils.

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