The Los Angeles High School Dance

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At Los Angeles High School, the Los Angeles High School dance is brewing, but however, nobody is dancing. Snot sees and falls in love with a girl named JenLynn Anne Bonnie, asks her to dance with him and he grabs her and everyone else starts to dance.

("Footloose" by Kenny Loggins plays)

Joslin walks to the Los Angeles High School dance with a pan of teal frosted cupcakes and hear the Los Angeles High School dance going on

She enters the high school and sees Leela and Tina helping with the fruit punch. She also hears that it is time to the students at Los Angeles High School to show off their best dance moves, Steve went first, afterwards went Snot, then into Leela, then came Tina, then, it is the gentlemen' turn to show off their dance moves. As music starts to play, Hayley shows up at the high school as Joe Cool and walks into the dance floor.

("Beat It" by Michael Jackson plays)

One by one, Stan, Cleveland Jr., then Joe Cool (which unwittingly is actually Hayley), then it is Joslin's turn to show off her dance moves, but however, she gets scared and nervous, but she tries and gets better and at it.

("Twinkle in Her Eye" by LeAnn Rines plays)

However, she slips on the wet floor of Fruit punch and falls to the ground and it starts raining inside and every student in Los Angeles High School starts running for their lives.

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