Chapter ten

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The rumours started to abound that William had left on some urgent business. This piece of information attained by Susan was discussed to their heart's desire over the coffee, yoga sessions and social media by the distraught mamas and their disappointed daughters.

Ella was also astounded at his hasty departure. After what had happened between them, his sudden removal from Jersey City left her out of sorts. Ironically, it felt like he had walked out of her life.

Inquisitiveness and boredom had Ella looking William up on the Internet. She scrutinized the information out there to glean a better understanding of the enigma he was. His online persona was exactly what she had seen in real in life: proud and Mr. Perfectionist. There were some pictures with a few women he had dated in the past. Only one had been a constant presence in life. An heiress, Belinda Castillo, who worked along with her father and brothers in the leather business.

It had been a week since she had found out about Charlotte's treachery, but hadn't heard a word from her friend. She hadn't even call to gush about her first date like most girls would have done with their girlfriends. On principle, both of the continued to play the cat-and-mouse game.

The next day came bringing another bad new, but this time it was for Jane. She had been unable to hang out with Braden, who got swamped with work and then abruptly, he had called her to inform that he had return to Manhattan to deal with a sensitive issue.

Jane had been disappointed but her feelings took a turn for worse when Susan had rung Margaret that there was a possibility that the Netherfield property could be put on the market. The news rocked the Sunset Lane and Castleton Corners.

"Jane, he may have a genuine reason to go back home." Ella handed her a brewed coffee. "Don't give up on him."

"I don't know." She took the mug with shaking hands. "Soon after the party, he seemed different. I asked him what was wrong and he denied anything was amiss. And now, he is gone."

"Is he texting you still?" Ella asked.

"Yes, he is, but I think he has lost interest in me. I mean, he is probably used to much sophisticated women and I am just a pastry chef," Jane said hoarsely.

"If I were you, I will go and visit him myself. Your friend, Tina, has been begging you to visit her there," Ella advised her. "Take ownership."

"You should see what Pippa texted me." Jane sounded close to tears. She picked up her phone and read, "Charlotte, I regret that we couldn't meet up with you before leaving this place. Braden has to get something done. Anyways, I am excited for the remaining summer as Georgiana and I have plans to attend many events and festivals. My brother is fond of her. I won't be surprised if they end up together and we would become be sisters for real."

The nerve, Ella thought. "This what she says, not Braden. He isn't trying to breakup with you."

"Oh, Ella, I never told him how I felt," Jane's voice broke, looking miserable. "If I had talked about our future, maybe he wouldn't have left me."

Ella sat down on her sister's bed. "Don't listen to Pippa. She is a nasty piece of work. She has her heart set on William and is hoping if Georgina and Braden start dating, then by some miracle, she will win over him. It's a foolish hope but it's all she got."

"Why would Pippa do such a thing?" Jane demanded, distraught.

Ella heart ached. She reached over and comforted her. "Don't cry. Give it time. Braden hasn't gone anywhere. I have witnessed how much in love he is with you. Such feelings don't disappear overnight even if his sister has persuaded him somehow."

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