Chapter Four

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William's response had completely thrown Ella off her game.

Right on cue, Jane appeared with the Chambers siblings, who were talking animatedly about something. Her sister, the silent participant, held on to each word they said. 

Taking a step back from William, she gathered her composure. What does he even mean by it? Arrogant man. What challenge did he refer to? They were two strangers with nothing in common. Plain and simple.

"Ella, don't stand there. I have set the dining table in the next room," Braden said, lifting a dusty bottle in his hand. "And found some Chardonnay in the cellar."

"Will, my brother said he prefers to vacation in Eastern Europe. I think Western Europe is the place to be with its vibrant city life and sentient culture," Pippa crooned, taking one of the champagne glasses William had replenished.

"All I meant is I want to explore the lesser unknown parts of Europe like Croatia, Romania or even Albania," Braden explained as they headed to the next room. "I just want to learn new things which are not mainstream."

"You are rather fond of London, aren't you?" Pippa turned to look at William, who had chosen to remain silent at the simpering girl.

"My trips to England are mostly business and my aunt lives there," William replied. He had fallen behind the trio and walked next to Ella, much to her exasperation.

Ella canted a sideways glance at Pippa to judge her reaction to such a terse reply to her obvious flirting and hid her smile at the thought of a match between them. Pippa, the spoilt brat and Mr. Darcy, the snob.

Their greater-than-thou attitudes, the common denominator, would suffice them in their gloomy relationship. She almost laughed at the image of Darcy walking down the aisle to marry Pippa in her overflowing princess gown which took up the entire altar. Oh, how she would love to attend their wedding and smile at his 'good fortune.'

"What do you think, Ella?" Pippa looked askance at her as if she had caught her competition's derision.

"I have never been to England," she replied, snapping out of her daydream.

"Never been to England!" Pippa scoffed, clutching her chest rather dramatically. "You are serious? Where have you been living, Ella?"

Now, she remembers my name. Ella grimaced. Her disliking of Pippa intensified. She ignored William, who scrutinized her every move now.

"Ella has been to France, Greece and Portugal," Jane pipped up.

"Oh yes." Pippa smiled sweetly at her. "She must have visited when you were in France. Such francophonic culture. Jane, I love everything there. You should add me on your Instagram or any other social media you use. What fun it would be to see the pictures of your trip there."

As they entered the dining room, Ella's irritation evaporated at the sight of the lunch spread. The food looked delicious and so did the flowers in the crystal vases, They added the 'oomph' factor to the fare.

"This looks wonderful," Jane exclaimed. Her face lit up with surprise. "Braden, you didn't have to do all this."

"It's the least I can do after what happened this morning," Braden said modestly. "It was my fault. I should have checked the weather before taking you out for a walk. But I couldn't wait to show you the bridge over the pond behind the house."

"Thank you," Jane told him with quiet shyness.

"No problem. William helped too."

"Oh, Will, it's sweet of you. You helped my brother despite being in a meeting earlier," Pippa crowed, touching his arm. "I am amazed how you find the energy. I will never be able to do so much in a day."

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