Chapter 20

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7 August 2017 ( 11:55 a.m. ) Waters near Gdynia Port. POV: Y/N

When ship was near port enterence, Y/N noticed something strange.

Y/N: Why there are so many people with transparents and flags?

As ship started to entering port, Y/N was finally able to read what was on transparents ( In Polish of course, here translated ):

" Welcome home our veteran! "

" Błyskawica - our hero! "

And many other.

Y/N: Someone still remeber me here... Wait, how they know that I will be here n-


Y/N: ...and one more thing: It's not classifed.

Rossiya: Yes, Comrade Commander!

Flashback ends

Y/N: Oh yes... Rossiya.

Y/N however didn't had time to thinking about it more, because he needed to concentrate on going to correct dock place.

Time skip: 10 minutes

Y/N was entering the city and then, under shadow of tree he sees person that he know.

Y/N: [ That person... he is ] Burza?

Burza: I already thought you won't reconize me. [ walk towards Y/N ] Welcome home, Błyskawica!

Y/N: How I would not reconize my Best friend!? I'm glad that you still staying alive.

Burza: I'm glad to see you and your ship in one piece too.

Y/N: I'm sorry that they didn't turn your ship into a museum.

It was a genius idea of Polish goverment to have a Kansen ship as museum. To that role in 1997 they chosen Burza, however because of bad condition of the hull, they finnally decided to scrap ship in 2001.

Burza: You don't need to apologize, that's not your fault! So, where are we going?

Y/N: I don't have anything specific in mind, so feel free to suggest.

Burza: In that case, do we need a plan? It's not an naval exercise!

Y/N: Hm? That's something new from you.

Flashback ( 1983 )

Burza: Without plan I'm not going anywere!

End of flashback

Burza: Everything and everyone are changing in some way.

Y/N: Yeah... So, let's go.

Time skip: 5 hours ( 5:00 p.m. ) Burza's home

Y/N and Burza are sitting behind table and on table itself was two cup of tea.

Y/N: It was fun day.

Burza: Yeah, it was... by the way, how much Main Base changed? [ takes a sip of tea ]

Y/N: From your decomission? Nah, you would still reconize it.

Burza: What could change, right. But what's about your rigings abilites? You taken down the blocade, don't you?

Y/N: [ takes a sip of tea ] Yea, but I don't really use it. I'm lefting this as emergency option.

Burza: You don't need it? When they were making blocade, you said that is a huge nerf and you need it back.

Y/N: As you said some time before, pepole are changing. I lerned to fight without it and now it's not nessersary.

Burza: Haha! I sayed it, that's true!... As it's your opinion, I'm not going to say that it's otherwise. [ takes a sip of tea ]

Y/N: You didn't change that much, Ahaha...

After copule minutes of silece, Y/N spoke up again.

Y/N: [ takes a sip of tea ] Do you know how's life is treating our two old friends?

Burza: Eugen* and Franklin? Not really, because we rarely talk. However from what I know: Eugen is living now in Rostock and working as Capitan of the Fishing trawler...

*( He obviously talking about 1st. gen. Eugen )

Y/N: Where retire Kansen can work? Only on ( or with ) ships.

Burza: Yeah... and Franklin after decommision came back to his borncity - Newport. But I don't know anything more.

Y/N: Quiet as always.

Burza: Yeah... [ looks on clock ] You will be leaving soon?

Y/N: [ looks on clock ] Yes, they should end refueling my ship.

Burza: Then why are we waiting? Let's Go!

Time skip: 20 minutes ( 5:30 p.m. ) Gdynia main port

Burza: So... that's the end of your visit?

Y/N: Yes. I don't have much vacation time left, so I sadly can't stay fo longer time.

Burza: Oh, I see... In that case stay strong Błyskawica, and take glory back to Azur Lane!

Y/N: I will, I will... [ Hm... ] You don't want a ride on ship?

Burza: On your ship?! But to where?

Y/N: A tour around the port. If you want to ask about fuel, you don't need to worry. Even if I will burn some, I will still have enough of it to sail to Cowes. So, you are in, or out?

Burza: Hm... You know what? I'm in! Who knows when I will have chance like that.

Y/N: That's what I was sure to hear. Let's go then!

Time skip: 15 minutes

As ship undocked and was moving futher through port, Burza spoke up again.

Burza: It's been forever since I sailed here...

Y/N: Something like 20 years?

Burza: I can't belive that was already 20 years... Oh, look! It's the place where my ship was docked!

On place where Burza is looking, was possible to see only some rusted steel plates and two propellers lefted on pier.

Y/N: There are still left something from ship? I'm suprised.

Burza: Propellers and steel plates with identification letter are waiting for naval museum to take them.

Y/N: I hope that they will take them soon. It's around 16 years passed from scrapping.

Burza: I hope it too...

After next copule of minutes they reached end of the port, so they done 180 degrees turn.

Time skip: 30 minutes

After quick stop to left Burza, Y/N taked course on Cowes. However, Y/N didn't know, that he is still observated...

Some kilometers away from Y/N. POV: 3rd person

2???: #×-, do we really need to observe him? He mange to do everthing on his own.

???: Yes, it's nesessary...

This is end of chapter twentieth. Before someone ask: I didn't make Burza's bio, because he is an episodic Character. Anyway, Thanks for reading this chapter and see you in chapter twentyfirst!


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