Michelangelo | Whip'o rama

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Your extra ability is: Lightning




The two people were running through an apocalypse wasteland. One of them was panting heavily while holding a picture. It was the turtles, Splinter and April. One of them clutches their abdomen while the other is carrying their weight, running as fast as they can.

The person looked in front of him and saw an aircraft falling and then exploding. They looked to the side and saw large machines coming toward them, really slowly.

"I got you, Sensei. Stay with me." He looked to the side and saw a boy with a hockey mask, it was Casey Jones.

"You're a life saver, Casey Jones," Leonardo said, whining in pain.

"I learned from the best. Come on, we're almost there." Casey said.

The two ran up the hill, ignoring the destruction that was happening around them. It was the year 2044, and the statue of Liberty has fallen.

Evil dog-like creatures surrounded the two.

"Bad doggies!" A voice yelled, blasting the creatures away.

"Impeccable timing, little brother. Very dramatic." Leo said.

Orange chains float and Mikey revealed himself and then used his chain to slay any nearby enemies.

Casey put down Leo on a pile of rocks and decaying skulls, the leader grunting in pain as the wise warrior hovers over to see what happened. Leonardo lowered his hand and saw he was bleeding badly.

"Help him, Michelangelo. He's hurt bad." Casey plead.

Leo looked around him, machines were killing people instantly. New York was gone. Their home. His home.

"That's it. The resistance failed. The Kraang won. But... but isn't over. We've still got a ninja's greatest weapon. Hope. That and a badass mystic warrior. Mikey, we need a time gateway."

Mikey's eyes widened."It'll take it everything I have."

"I know. But this is our last chance. It's our only chance." Leonardo said. Mikey nodded and float away from the three.

"Wait, what's going on? Where is he going?" Casey asked Leo.

"Casey, listen."

Mikey slid his feet in a circle and then stretched his arms straight as orange lightning sparked.

"The Kraang first came to our planet through a mystic doorway." Leo grabbed his photo and turned it around. He grabbed a piece of coal and began to draw on it. "The key that opened the doorway looked like this." He gave the photo to the boy.

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked.

"Because Mikey's about to send you back in time to the day that the key was stolen."

"Wait, he's gonna what?" He said in shock.

Mikey was busy opening the portal, cracks began to show in the air.

"The people who stole the key opened the doorway for the Kraang. You have to find it before that happens. Find the key. Stop the Kraang."

"But, Sensei—" Leo cut him off. "Say it!"

""Find the key, Stop the Kraang."" Casey said and Leo patted his shoulder. "I don't want to lose you," He said with teary eyes.

"Casey, It's not about me." He said. A red light shines on top of them. The Kraang found them.

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