Donatello | Softshell

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"Escape pods incoming," The computer said but was destroyed when Donnie's pod flew by.

Donnie got out of the pod and almost lost his balance with Y/N in his arms. Confetti and a banner that said "You Survived!" popped up.

"Congratulations on surviving, fam." The computer said again. Y/N wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck.

"My hero." She said in a childish voice which made him smile a bit.

The other pods landed in front of the couple, except for Raph's pod. Everyone flung out of their pods and groaned in pain.

"Everyone okay? Anybody hurt?" April asked, holding her head.

"How did we get here?" Mikey asked, he was terrified. He wrapped his arms around Casey in fear.

"Donnie pods. We've never had to use those before." Donnie said under his breath. He faced his teammates. "So how would everyone rate their escape experience? "Very satisfied, "Very, very satisfied," Extremity, satisfied?""

"Donnie!" Y/N interrupted.

"Sorry. Data collection calms me down." Donnie said apologetically. Y/N rubbed his back in a comforting way.

April gasped when she heard Splinter groaning in pain.

"Splints." April lifts up his head. Casey stood up, with Mikey still wrapped around his body.

"This is terrible! Why did we leave?" Casey panicked. Mikey grabbed his head and turned it toward him. Donnie lifts Y/N from the floor as she limps on one leg.

"In case you didn't notice, we're getting our butts kicked!" Mikey said and rubbed his face against

"But my mission was to stop them." He pushed Mikey away from his face. "Right now, the Kraang are using that key to bring something that will destroy the world. We lost."

Suddenly Raph's pod arrived, landed and opened, revealing Leonardo inside. He fell to his knees, panting heavily, still hearing the ringing in his ears. His family were asking 'where's Raph' but Donnie was more worried about his pod but changed it quickly when Y/N punched him on the shoulder.

Leo looked straight at Casey, he was angry at him. His brothers stopped him from lunging at the boy.

"Did you know this would happen? Why didn't you tell me?" He yelled.

"What are you talking about?" Casey said, avoiding getting hurt by the angry turtle.

"Easy! Leo, what's going on? Where's Raph?" Mikey asked him, holding onto his brother's arm.

"Leo, what happened to Raph?" Donnie asked. His brothers let Leo go as he slowly walked up to Casey but stopped when his father spoke.

"Leonardo?" His father walked up to him.

He stopped for a moment and then spoke. "They... They got him."

"You left Raph?" April asked.

"He left himself. He used his pod to save me, all because I went after this stupid thing." He shoved the canister into Casey's hands.

"You got it. Nice." He said happily.

"Nice? They captured Raph." Leo's eyes widened when he remembered what the boy said to everyone. He was from the future. "He's from the future. He knew this would happen!" He pointed his finger at him.

"No. I didn't. This didn't happened in my time." Casey looked at the canister. "We changed the past, and you got the key. That means there's still a chance to stop them." Casey said happily as Leo's mouth was wide open.

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