Leonardo | That's not him...

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Police cars drove past April and Splinter, she was trying to get through to her friends.

"Donnie, come in. They found us. Where should we go? Donnie?" She asked him.

"We're trapped. We are trapped in the subway under metro tower." He explained as a robot arm put on a spare Battle tank over Donnie's shell. "The tank is running out of emergency power and being covered in some kind of kraang bio growth. I repeat."

"April, come quick! We're getting squished!" Mikey cried.

"We're on our way."

"But April, how will we get them out?" Splinter asked.

"I got an idea." April pulled out the chemicals she used on the female kraang. His eyes widened.

"Yeesh. Remind me to never get on your bad side." He drove toward the subway staircase.

Leo woke up and whined in pain. He looked up and saw the mess that the infected train did. He removed the rubble from him.

"Casey! Y/N!" He tries to get up but fell on his elbow, holding his side. He noticed Casey popping out of the rubble. "Casey, you okay?" He whined in pain too, trying to get out of the mess. Leo looked above him and saw Y/N, who was upside down and cables were wrapped around her ankle. She groaned and held her head.

"Being human sucks." Y/N groaned.

He sighed in relief and tried to contact his brothers. "Donnie, Mikey, anybody?" He asked.

Casey was completely out of the rubble and walked up to Y/N to help her. He cut the cable, caught her and put her gently on the ground, laying against the wall. Y/N held her head as Casey slid down to Leo and couched in front of him.

"What the heck was that?" He asked, Leo though he meant the monster that chased them.

"Some kind of drippy crazy kraang monster," Leo answered, he lifted his hand from his side and noticed there was no blood showing.

"No, I mean you! Why weren't you listening to anybody?" Casey asked angrily.

"Because I was trying to get us into the other side of that fight and into the building!" He explained.

"That sure worked out well," Casey said sarcastically.

"I was doing everything right. How could it go wrong?" Leo rubbed his head.

"Because you weren't listening to your team! You don't have all the answers all the time!" Casey pointed out, he was furious.

"But I'm the greatest ninja the world's ever seen. You said that."

Y/N was already walking toward the two, to listen a bit closer.

Casey scoffed. "I was wrong."

"What?" Y/N and Leo mumbled, his eyes widened. Leo instantly felt embarrassed and put his fists against his forehead, as if he was praying.

"You're impulsive, you're arrogant, and you don't see that every decision you make could cost someone their life!" Leo turned away from the boy. "You want to know what really happened to your brothers in the future?! They die. Everybody dies fighting the Kraang." That sentence hit Y/N and Leo hard. Leo felt as if his body was paralyzed and Y/N almost felt like crying. "The world needs Master Leonardo. And all I get is this guy." Casey pulled out the picture that his master gave him and tossed it, it landed next to Leo.

Casey walked away to begin to dig through the rubble to get out, Leo grabbed the picture and looked at it and Y/N... she didn't know what to do, she was still processing the information that Casey gave them...

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