Donatello | Breaking the 'new' record

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Sadly you have no extra ability

"Easy does it, Leo. You've got this." Sweat dripped from his forehead, his arms stretched out. "Concentrate." He was slowly balancing himself on a metal pole. "The whole world's counting on you to break the pizza box stack record." He said, balancing a stack of boxes on the Brooklyn Bridge. A pigeon was eating a slice of pizza on the top and Leo didn't notice. "Hundred and twenty five boxes! You know, they say it couldn't be done, but look who's doing it, Moi. You know, that's Spanish for Leo." He said to Donnie, who was using the Flight Shell. Y/N was on his hoverboard, holding onto the bars.

"Go ahead my non-lingual friend, count your unhatched fowl." Donnie used his goggles to see if Leo would make it. "My record stands until you reach the top, which according to my calculations of wind speed, barometric pressure, and dew point, is highly unlikely."

Donnie noticed a chain wrapped itself onto the bridge, he knew it was his younger brother, Mikey.

"According to my calculations, as long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything!" He cheered.

"Thanks, little brother. No one believes in himself more than me." He said and began to chant: "Leo!"

Mikey, Leo and Y/N began to chant while Donnie crossed his arms, not joining in. "Leo! Leo! Leo! Leo!"

As three chant, Leo was successfully on the bridge. He almost lost his balance when he lifted his foot for a second. He instantly put his feet on the ground, thinking the boxes were going to fall, but they didn't.

He quickly backflips, hitting his chin on the floor in the process. Leo, Mikey and Y/N cheered at the victor. While they were cheering, the stack of pizza boxes began to fall, probably into the lake. Donnie was angry that the pizza had gone to waste.

"There you are. I've been looking all over for you guys." The three stopped their chanting when they saw Raphael, his fists against his hips.

"Oh, hey, Raph, guess who just broke the record?" Leo asked while he and Mikey were dancing, Donnie's back faced Raph while he was on his phone, and Y/N looked at the screen to see what he was doing.

"What? You did. How many did you—?" Raph cut himself off, he was getting off-topic.

"Stop distracting Raph! We were supposed to be training—" Leo cuts Raph off this time, putting his finger on his face. "Ah, tuh, tuh, tuh. Hold that thought. Donnie?"

Donnie was still on his phone, ignoring Leo's call.

"Donnie?" Mikey did the same.

He put away his phone and sighed in defeat. "You sir have bested me. Mazel." Y/N patted his battle shell in comfort.

"Ahem." Leo and Mikey coughed, waiting for something else from their brother.

"Come on Donnie." She giggles

He sighed deeply and weakly chanted. "Leo. Leo."

Everyone began to chant, Mikey raised Leo into the sky to show the world who the winner of the challenge is. Donnie was sitting, holding his legs while weakly waving his fist below his head. "Leo! Leo!"

"Stop it!" They were still chanting. "Leo, we have work to do, and you dragged them out here for this?" He asked.

"Training, record-breaking. The choice was clear." Leo said, giving a slice to Mikey and Y/N while putting pizza on Donnie's face, making him yelp.

"Ugh. Dang it, Leo. Everything's not about you. How are you gonna grow up and start acting like a hero?" Raph said, posing with his fists on his hips.

"And there it is." The four clinked their pizza slices. "Lady and Gentlemen." The four began to eat, and Raph was shocked.

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