The Bar

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It is like the moment these monsters come onto shore, the sky goes dark over them, and the wind picks up. Today has been so calm and still, but over here by the cliff, the weather is terrible.

I walk up to the edge of the cliff; the same spot Arius took me a while ago. Below, the wild ones pile on top of each other writhing like before. However, there is a much larger number of dead bodies decaying across the swarm. A few are feeding off their dead and occasionally, one will get ripped to shreds without warning.

I kneel by the edge and watch the monsters do their thing. I notice now how long their spines are. They go all the way down their back and past their tails. It seems incredibly impractical for defense or swimming. It is like the longer the spines get, the older they are.

My eye catches one in particular. It has just arrived at the swarm, and it climbs over the others. When one hisses at it, it swishes its tail to the left and then the right. The potential fight dissipates, and the two monsters ignore each other. It happens a few more times and it moves its tail in the same way to avoid conflict.

When its spines rise, it challenges another one. It didn't seem to matter that the other one was too weak to challenge back. The monster launches itself at the dying one and rips it to pieces. I catch a glimpse of the eyes and their black pits give me a shiver. There is no humanity in them. No warmth, sadness, or passion like there is in Arius's eyes. These eyes are cold and dead. They see nothing but rage and blood.

I lean away from the cliff, trying to catch my breath after seeing the blood. Flashes of my dad run through my mind, but I manage to calm myself with some deep breaths. I have been getting better.

I write a few more notes down on my phone about the interactions with the monsters before leaving. Tonight, I plan to meet Kaia and Ira at a bar just to catch up. The last semester is quickly approaching, and we want to end our break on a positive note.

The bar is called Devil's Bar. Ironic I know. When I walk in, it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust. It is very dark with some dim lights here and there. I immediately spot Ira and Kaia in the corner talking and I make my way over to them.

"No boys today, huh?" Ira asks.

"Nope. Atticus is probably waiting by the door like an abandoned puppy right now," Kaia laughs.

Arius is probably doing fish things. Obviously, I don't say that though.

"Holly, I haven't even been introduced to your new man." Ira rests her chin in her palm and gives me a big smile. "Who is the lucky man?"

"Umm, his name is Arius." It didn't occur to me that Arius and I are a thing now. It is hard to feel like a normal couple with the whole 'I am cursed' scenario.

"That is such a good name. I saw him at the party, but I figured I'd embarrass you if I tried to say hi while drunk."

I laugh. "I appreciate that you avoided him. I'm going to go order our drinks, what do you two want?"

"Bloody Mary," Ira smiles and slides me some cash for her drink.

"Dry Martini. I don't have cash so I'll venmo you."

I slide out of the booth and make my way towards the bar. After helping a couple, the bartender turns to me. "Bloody Mary, Dry Martini, and a Whisky Sour, please."

"Sure thing." He begins to make our drinks and I head back to the table after telling him where we sit. I stopped when I saw who was in my seat and who was standing by the table.

I slide off my sneakers, converse this time, and I hold it at the ready as I approach the table. Ira notices and she stifles a laugh, trying not to blow my cover. In one quick motion, I slap the back of Arius's head.

"This is supposed to be a girl's night!"

"Ow! Is this going to be a regular thing, Holly?" he rubs his head and glares at me. I know damn well it doesn't hurt. He is just trying to make me look bad.

"So, I take it she hits you with shoes often?" Ira asks.

"This is the second time, but I might make it a habit. When I'm old, I'll trade it in for a cane like Abuela."

"Omg!" Ira laughs. "That is where you got it from. Remember when Abuela used to throw shoes at us when we would play pranks on her?"

"We deserved that. We caused so much trouble." Atticus is sitting next to Kaia, and I turn to look at Arius who is already looking at me with a small smile on his lips. "Why are you here? It is a girl's night."

"Yeah, boys. You gotta go," Kaia laughed.

Arius shrugs. "Bored I guess." The two of us sit on the side of the booth next to Ira. Soon after we sit down, our drinks come, and we continue chatting about classes.

"So, Arius. Have you guys kissed?"

My whole face goes red and I facepalm myself. "Are we in middle school, Ira?"

"Just asking. It is a serious question."

"I'm going to need another drink if we are going to talk about this." I get up and head towards the bar. Arius goes to follow but Ira starts asking him some more questions. I feel bad leaving him, but I really need that other drink if I'm going to listen to her. I still love her though.

"Margarita please." The bartender nods and I decide to delay by sitting at the bar until my drink is done.

"Hey, long time no see."

I internally groan at the sound of his voice. Killian is standing next to me with a wide grin. Why can't I escape this guy?

"Hi." I say curtly, bouncing my leg and eagerly waiting for my drink. Maybe Ira's intruding questions are better than this.

He steps closer and I take a quick step back. "How about that walk?" I try to step back again but the seat blocks me. His hand reaches for my arm again. I notice how unnaturally sharp his teeth are and how dark his eyes have gotten.

Before he can touch me, He gets slammed against the bar and everyone goes quiet. A very very angry Arius throws him on the ground. "Don't touch her!" I hear him hold back a hiss.

"Arius." He faces Killian on the ground, but his hand grips my wrist. I look across the bar and see Atticus glaring at Killian. The entire bar is tense, and everyone is staring at Killian.

Oh shit. That makes a lot of sense.

Killian groans and stands up, staggering a little. He glares at Arius but something about it doesn't seem right. Not human. I've figured out what he is by now but even for a devil, something is off about him.

"We are leaving, Holly," Arius says softly over his shoulder. Atticus seems to agree because he tells Kaia and Ira to follow him. All of us leave the bar.

"What the hell was that?" Ira asks. "What did that guy do?"

"He is a creep that tried to grab me." I say passively, focusing on Arius who looks like he is ready to burst. I step closer to him and place my hand on his cheek. "Arius, are you okay?" His eyes focus on mine, and I can see the rage in them. I remember what he told me. Other devils are extremely violent especially towards mates.

"Go home, Holly."

"What?" I step back, startled by how angry he still sounds.

I look at Kaia and Atticus whispers something in her ear. She looks hesitant but eventually nods. "We have to go home. Sorry the night didn't go so well. Let's try again soon."

"Holly, you should go home too. Ira can walk you." Arius says, still staring at my face as if just my presence will hopefully calm him.

"What about..." He pulls me closer to him and presses his lips against my ear.

"Let me handle this. I'll be fine. I have to do this."

I vaguely know what he means. Every bone in my body wants me to stay, to stop him from doing something stupid. I am not sure the full extent of what will happen and my heart races with worry. I pull back and look him in the eyes. They are soft now and reassuring, telling me he will come back to me.

"You better." I plant a small kiss on his cheek and turn to leave. Ira and I start to walk away, and I can't help but look over my shoulder. He is still standing on the sidewalk, watching me walk away. A deep longing sings in my chest and every step away from him hurts.

Something isn't right.

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